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AV/RA-S-3138-45: Landssvikarkivet, Lofoten og Vesterålen politikammer

C: Journaler og andre overgripende registre
Cb: Kartotek over dommer og forelegg samt kartotek over skøyter i fraktfart
L0001 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over dommer og forelegg samt kartotek over skøyter i fraktfart First page Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-46: Landssvikarkivet, Senja politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Arkivert på anmeldelsesnummer
L0003/0036 1945 Anr. 290/45 Jens Holand, f. 13.8.1895 og ***** Get access Content
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L0004/0013 1945 - 1946 Anr. 358/45 Jens Martin Hasselberg Berling, f. 31.8.1897 Get access
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AV/RA-S-3138-48: Landssvikarkivet, Vestfinnmark politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Saker på henleggelsesnummer 1947-52
L0034/0001 1945 - 1952 Hnr. 1/52 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-01: Landssvikarkivet, Oslo politikammer

C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Ca: Anmeldelseskartotek
L0001 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: Aa - B First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: D - Ham First page Content
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L0003 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: Han - Joh First page Content
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L0004 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: Joh - L First page Content
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L0005 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: M - P First page Content
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L0006 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: Q - S First page Content
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L0007 1945 - 1948 Anmeldelseskartotek: T - Ø First page Content
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C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Cb: Domskartotek
L0001 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: A - C First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: D - G First page Content
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L0003 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: H - I First page Content
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L0004 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: J - K First page Content
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L0005 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: L - N First page Content
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L0006 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: O - R First page Content
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L0007 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: S First page Content
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L0008 1945 - 1948 Domskartotek: T - Å First page Content
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C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Cc: Arrestasjonskartotek
L0001 1945 - 1948 Landsdekkende kartotek ført ved Oslo politikammer over arresterte landssvikmistenkte våren og sommeren 1945: Aa - Hi First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1948 Landsdekkende kartotek ført ved Oslo politikammer over arresterte landssvikmistenkte våren og sommeren 1945: Ho - N First page Content
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L0003 1945 - 1948 Landsdekkende kartotek ført ved Oslo politikammer over arresterte landssvikmistenkte våren og sommeren 1945: O - Ø First page Content
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C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Cd: Domsjournaler
L0001 1945 - 1962 Dnr. 1-1503 First page
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L0002 1946 - 1962 Dnr. 1504-3000 First page
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L0003 1947 - 1962 Dnr. 3001-4434 First page
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Dommer
L0001/0001 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 1 1945 Dnr. 1 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0002 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 2 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 2 Ragnar Odmund Birkedal, f. 21.3.1901 Get access
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L0001/0003 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 3 1945 Dnr. 3 Sigrid Fernandez Pons, f. 28.6.1890 Apply for access
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L0001/0004 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 4 1945 - 1948 Dnr. 4 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0005 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 5 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 5 ***** Get access
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L0001/0006 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 6 1945 Dnr. 6 ***** Get access Content
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L0001/0007 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 7 1945 Dnr. 7 ***** Get access
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L0001/0008 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 8 1945 - 1947 Dnr. 8 ***** Get access
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L0001/0009 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 9 1945 Dnr. 9 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0010 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 10 1945 Dnr. 10 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0011 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 11 1945 Dnr. 11 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0012 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 12 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 12 Ole Bornemann Bull, f. 22.4.1897 Apply for access
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L0001/0013 Dommer, dnr.1-13: Dnr. 13 1945 - 1948 Dnr. 13 ***** Get access
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L0002/0001 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 14 1945 - 1949 Dnr. 14 ***** Get access
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L0002/0002 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 15 1945 - 1948 Dnr. 15 ***** Apply for access
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L0002/0003 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 16 1945 Dnr. 16 ***** Get access
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L0002/0004 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 17 1945 - 1948 Dnr. 17 ***** Get access
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L0002/0005 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 18 1945 - 1947 Dnr. 18 ***** Get access Content
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L0002/0006 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 19 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 19 ***** Apply for access
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L0002/0007 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 20 1945 - 1947 Dnr. 20 ***** Apply for access
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L0002/0008 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 22 1945 Dnr. 22 ***** Get access
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L0002/0009 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 24 1945 Dnr. 24 ***** Apply for access
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L0002/0010 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 25 1945 Dnr. 25 Olav Jonsen Evju, f. 7.2.1898 Get access
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L0002/0011 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 26 1945 - 1950 Dnr. 26 Jens Christian Hørbye, f. 23.11.1891 Get access
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L0002/0012 Dommer, dnr. 14-31: Dnr. 28 1945 Dnr. 28 ***** Get access Content
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