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AV/RA-S-3138-26: Landssvikarkivet, Kristiansand politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Dommer
L0141/0003 1945 - 1947 Anr. 973/45 ***** Get access
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L0141/0004 1945 - 1946 Anr. 1038/45 ***** Apply for access
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L0141/0005 1945 - 1946 Anr. 1397/45 Anne Vegusdal, f. 16.1.1887 Apply for access
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L0141/0006 1945 - 1946 Anr. 290/45 Elling Aslaksen Vegusdal, f. 2.12.1891 Apply for access
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L0141/0007 1945 - 1949 Anr. 147/45 Gregorius Vegusdal, f. 6.7.1894 Apply for access
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L0142/0001 1945 - 1948 Anr. 133/47 ***** Apply for access
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L0142/0002 1945 - 1955 Anr. 365/45 ***** Get access
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L0142/0003 1945 - 1951 Anr. 1226/45 Aanund Viki, f. 16.8.1895 Apply for access
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L0142/0004 1945 - 1947 Anr. 337/45 Nils Vennesland, f. 27.10.1887 Apply for access
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L0142/0005 1945 - 1954 Anr. 94/45 Ole Gundersen Veraas, f. 4.11.1896 Get access
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L0143/0001 1945 - 1947 Anr. 15/46 Knut Vetrhus, f. 27.3.1893 Apply for access
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L0143/0002 1945 - 1953 Anr. 165/45 ***** Get access
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L0143/0003 1945 - 1950 Anr. 57/47 Ole Voss, f. 30.7.1904 Apply for access
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L0143/0004 1945 - 1947 Anr. 309/46 ***** Apply for access
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L0143/0005 1945 - 1946 Anr. 1396/45 Oskar Martin Wongraven, f. 14.3.1900 Get access
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L0143/0006 1945 - 1948 Anr. 138/45 ***** Get access
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L0143/0007 1945 - 1948 Anr. 134/46 ***** Apply for access
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L0144/0001-L0145/0001 1945 - 1953 Anr. 213-261/45 ***** Get access
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L0146/0001 1945 - 1947 Anr. 862/45 ***** Get access
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L0146/0002 1945 - 1954 Anr. 29/46 ***** Get access
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L0146/0003 1945 - 1946 Anr. 1044/45 Olav Osmundsen Øvrebø, f. 18.5.1880 Apply for access
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L0146/0004 1945 - 1953 Anr. 14/45 ***** Get access
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L0147/0001 1945 - 1946 Anr. 566/45 Hallvard Åkre, f. 29.6.1897 Apply for access
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L0147/0002 1945 - 1946 Anr. 78/45 Knut O. Åkre, f. 12.2.1900 Apply for access
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L0147/0003 1945 - 1946 Anr. 240/45 Tarald Åsmundsen Åmli, f. 2.11.1885 Apply for access
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L0147/0004 1945 - 1949 Anr. 145/47 ***** Apply for access
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L0147/0005 1945 - 1947 Anr. 971/45 Tellef Aavitsland, f. 31.05.1893 Apply for access
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L0147/0006 1945 - 1954 Anr. 69/45 ***** Get access
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L0148 - L0149 1945 - 1947 Anr. 390/45 Ole Wehus, f. 25.6.1909 Get access Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Df: Krigsforbrytere
L0001 1945 - 1953 Krigsforbrytersak vedrørende Sipo-tjenestemennene Rudolf Kerner, Friedrich Wilhelm von Aachen Meyer, Friedrich Albert Lappe, Paul Heinrich Glomb, Heinrich Wilhelm Oscar Willführ og Franz Simon Gromann i Kristiansand: Hoveddokument nr. 7 og 22-27 No access
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L0002 1945 - 1953 Krigsforbrytersak vedrørende Sipo-tjenestemennene Rudolf Kerner, Friedrich Wilhelm von Aachen Meyer, Friedrich Albert Lappe, Paul Heinrich Glomb, Heinrich Wilhelm Oscar Willführ og Franz Simon Gromann i Kristiansand: Hoveddokument nr. 6 (avsnitt F-G) og 8-10 No access
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Ukatalogisert "X" 1945 - 1953 Krigsforbrytersak vedrørende Sipo-tjenestemennene Rudolf Kerner, Friedrich Wilhelm von Aachen Meyer, Friedrich Albert Lappe, Paul Heinrich Glomb, Heinrich Wilhelm Oscar Willführ og Franz Simon Gromann i Kristiansand: Hoveddokumentliste og hoveddokument nr. 1, 14-15 og 17-20 Get access Content
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Ukatalogisert "Y" 1945 - 1953 Krigsforbrytersak vedrørende Sipo-tjenestemennene Rudolf Kerner, Friedrich Wilhelm von Aachen Meyer, Friedrich Albert Lappe, Paul Heinrich Glomb, Heinrich Wilhelm Oscar Willführ og Franz Simon Gromann i Kristiansand: Hoveddokument nr. 2, samt Laudalssaken, Ramfjordsaken og Sørlandssaken Get access Content
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Ukatalogisert "Z" 1945 - 1953 Krigsforbrytersak vedrørende Sipo-tjenestemennene Rudolf Kerner, Friedrich Wilhelm von Aachen Meyer, Friedrich Albert Lappe, Paul Heinrich Glomb, Heinrich Wilhelm Oscar Willführ og Franz Simon Gromann i Kristiansand: Hoveddokument nr. 5 og 6 (avsnitt A-E), samt diverse rapporter Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-30: Landssvikarkivet, Hardanger politikammer

C: Journaler og andre overgripende registre
Ca: Alfabetisk kartotek
L0001 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: A - M First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: N - Å First page Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Saker
L0042/0004 1945 - 1951 Lnr. 269 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-44: Landssvikarkivet, Narvik politikammer

C: Journaler og andre overgripende registre
Ca: Kartotek over landssviksaker
L0001 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over landssviksaker: A - K First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over landssviksaker: L - W (siste del av alfabetet mangler) First page Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Saker
L0039/0004 1945 - 1946 Anr. 594/45 ***** Get access Content
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L0043/0024 1945 - 1946 Anr. 808/45 Martin Marius Almar Hamsund, f. 6.5.1897 Get access Content
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L0045/0027 1945 - 1946 Anr. 937/45 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-45: Landssvikarkivet, Lofoten og Vesterålen politikammer

C: Journaler og andre overgripende registre
Ca: Kartotek over landssvikanmeldte
L0001 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over landssvikanmeldte: A - Ki First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over landssvikanmeldte: Ki - Å First page Content
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C: Journaler og andre overgripende registre
Cb: Kartotek over dommer og forelegg samt kartotek over skøyter i fraktfart
L0001 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over dommer og forelegg samt kartotek over skøyter i fraktfart First page Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-48: Landssvikarkivet, Vestfinnmark politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Saker på henleggelsesnummer 1947-52
L0034/0001 1945 - 1952 Hnr. 1/52 ***** Get access Content
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Statsarkivet i Bergen

AV/SAB-A-60401: Bergen politikammer / politidistrikt

Y: Thuland-arkivet
Yd: Saksarkiv
L0069 1945 - 1948 Fullbyrdelse av dødsdom i Bergen - Bergen politikammer No access No access
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Y: Thuland-arkivet
Yc: Journal og overordna registre
Yck: Negativer
L0001 Register til negativalbum 1953 First page Content
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L0002 Negativalbum 1953 Passfoto First page Content
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L0003 Negativalbum 1948 - 1953 Passfoto merket bl.a. Bergen Sporveier. First page Content
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