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RA/S-1561: Sentralpasskontoret/Statens utlendingskontor

Cf: SU-registerkort
L0643 Yung, Ah-Tong - Zagorowski, Zbigniew 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0644 Zagorska, Anna - Zaks, Halina 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0645 Zaks, Misha Shlomo - Zarazinski, Maciej 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0646 Zarbati, Huschang - Zderciug, Boris 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0647 Zdiara, Branko - Zenetti, Alexandra Emile Therese 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0648 Zeng, Chenkui - Ziburski, Brigitte 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0649 Zicchieri, Salvatore - Zimmermann, Otto 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0650 Zimmermann, Paul Alfred - Zoglio, Eric David 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0651 Zogo, Nkada - Zuk, Andrzej Jerzy 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0652 Zuk, Barbara - Zøgner, Willi Franz 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0653 Zoehe, Karin Liebermann - Østergård, Lone 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0654 Østergård, Malta Reinholdt - Aabølling, Bent 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0655 Aachmann, Jens Michael - Aazouzi, Amar Mouh El 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0656 Abegg, Gunvor Henriette - Anderson, Augusta Mathilde 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0657 Andersen, Barbro - Anersen, Hertha Margrete 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0658 Andersen, Hilda Karoline - Andersen, Mølgaard 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0659 Andresen, Anna Grethe - Andreasen, Åse B. 1917 - 1987 First page
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L0660 Andreen, Helga Evelyn - Ayoubi, Samira 1917 - 1987 First page
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Daa: Journalsaker (og saker ordnet etter CPK reg. nummer og SU nummer)
L0344 Journalsaker, nr. 3290 - 3380 1940 Det er kun jnr. 3314/1940 (Stephanie Hirsch) som er skanna. First page Content
L0367 Journalsaker, nr. 92 - 136 1941 Det er kun jnr. 129/1941 (Julie og Ludwig Elias) som er skanna. First page Content

Statsarkivet i Bergen

SAB/A-10001: Hosanger folkeregister

F: Folkeregister
Fa: Utflytte
L0001 Utflytte 1950 - 1956 First page
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L0002 Utflytte 1957 - 1960 First page
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L0003 Utflytte 1961 - 1963 First page
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F: Folkeregister
Fb: Meldingar om utflytte
L0001 Meldingar om utflytte 1947 - 1952 First page
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L0002 Meldingar om utflytte 1953-1954, 1957, 1963 1953 - 1963 First page
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G: Namnekort som også er felles med Hamre
L0001 Utflytte frå Hosanger før 01.01.1964, A-J 1946 - 1963 First page
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L0002 Utflytte frå Hosanger før 01.01.1964, K-Å 1946 - 1963 First page
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L0003 Utflytte frå Hamre før 01.01.1964, A-Å 1946 - 1963 First page
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SAB/A-100039: Strandebarm folkeregister

F: Folkeregister
L0001 Døde og utflytta 1959 - 1962 First page
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L0002 Døde og utflytta 1963 - 1964 First page
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L0003 Flyttemeldingar, ekteskap 1962 - 1963 First page
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SAB/A-10101: Hålandsdal folkeregister

F: Folkeregister
Fa: Inn- og utflytte
L0001 Utflytta 1947 - 1963 First page
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L0002 Meldingar om utflytte 1942 - 1960 First page
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L0003 Innflytte 1943 - 1960 First page
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SAB/A-10201: Jondal folkeregister

F: Hovudregisterkort
Fa: Utflytte og utvandra
L0001 Utflytta 1946 - 1957 First page
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L0002 Utflytta 1958 - 1968 First page
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L0003 Utflytta 1956-1965, utvandra 1950-1987 1956 - 1987 First page
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L0004 Utflytta 1944 - 1973 First page
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SAB/A-10301: Kinsarvik folkeregister

F: Folkeregister
Fb: Inn- og utflytte
L0001 Meldingar om innflytte 1952 - 1963 First page
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L0002 Meldingar om utflytte 1952 - 1959 First page
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L0003 Meldingar om utflytte m.m. 1960 - 1962 First page
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SAB/A-10401: Kvam folkeregister

F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fa: Avgangsregister
L0001 Avgangsregister 1947 - 1949 First page
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L0002 Avgangsregister 1949 - 1950 First page
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L0003 Avgangsregister 1950 - 1952 First page
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L0004 Avgangsregister 1953 - 1954 First page
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L0005 Avgangsregister 1955 First page
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F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fb: Utflytte og utvandra
L0001 Utflytta 1961 First page
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L0002 Utflytta 1962 First page
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L0003 Utflytta 1963 First page
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L0004 Utflytta 1964 First page
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