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The Sámi Archives

SAMI/PA-1048: Kautokeino produksjonslag AL / Reinslakteriet AL

Ra: Regnskap
L0081 Dagsrapporter 1979 - 1980 First page
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L0082 Dagsrapporter 1968 - 1973 First page
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L0083 Dagsrapporter 1971 - 1975 First page
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L0084 Dagsrapporter 1975 - 1978 First page
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L0085 Dagsrapporter 1979 - 1980 First page
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L0086 Ukerapporter 1968 - 1981 First page
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L0087 Ordresedler 1980 First page
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L0088 Ordresedler 1973 - 1976 First page
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L0089 Ordresedler 1977 - 1980 First page
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L0090 Ordresedler 1980 First page
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L0091 Inntakslister 1971 - 1979 First page
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L0092 Inntakslister 1973 - 1980 First page
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L0093 Inntakslister 1975 - 1979 First page
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Rb: Regnskap diverse
L0001/0001 Regnskap diverse: Div. regnskap 1957 - 1978 First page
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L0002 Selvangivelser, statestikker 1962 - 1983 First page
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L0003/0001 Regnskap diverse: Gjeldsbrev 1983 First page
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L0003/0002 Regnskap diverse: Søknadsskjemaer for R - I og R II 1983 First page
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L0003/0003 Regnskap diverse: Leveringserklæringer 1983 First page
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L0003/0004 Regnskap diverse: Godslister og utførselsangivelser 1983 First page
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L0003/0005 Regnskap diverse: Tolldeklarasjoner 1983 First page
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L0003/0006 Regnskap diverse: Purringer 1983 First page
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U: Foto, film, lydopptak
L0001 Foto 1957 - 1985 First page
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W: Gjenstander (stempler, modeller, faner)
L0001 Gjenstander 1957 - 1985 First page
Y: Andre utskilte arkivdeler
L0001 Reindriftsnytt 1968 - 1979 First page
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L0002 Sámiid Duodji 1980 - 1982 First page
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L0007 Diverse tidsskrifter artikler 1957 - 1985 First page
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SAMI/PA-1093: Guovdageainnu Johttisápmelaččaid Searvi

A: Čoahkkingirjjit / Møtebøker
L0001/0001 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1947 - 1974 First page
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L0002/0001 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1949 - 1976 First page
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L0003/0001 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1950 - 1990 First page
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L0003/0002 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1950 - 1990 First page
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L0003/0003 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1950 - 1990 First page
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L0004/0001 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1975 - 1982 First page
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L0004/0002 Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker 1976 - 1980 First page
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L0005/0001 Čoahkkingirjjit, beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller 1975 - 1987 First page
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L0005/0002 Čoahkkingirjjit, beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller 1975 - 1987 First page
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L0005/0003 Čoahkkingirjjit, beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller 1975 - 1987 First page
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L0006/0001 Čoahkkingirjjit, beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller 1982 - 1988 First page
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L0007/0001 Čoahkkingirjjit, beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller 1980 - 1990 First page
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L0007/0002 Čoahkkingirjjit, beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller: Beavdegirjjit / Møtebøker, protokoller 1989 - 1998 First page
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C: Journálat /Juornaler
L0001/0001 Brevjournal: Brevjournal 1982 - 1986 First page
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L0001/0002 Brevjournal: Brevjournal 1983 - 1988 First page
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E: Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv
L0001 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1949 - 1958 First page
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L0002 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1949 - 1972 First page
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L0003 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1959 - 1989 First page
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L0004 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1973 - 1977 First page
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L0005 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1978 - 1980 First page
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L0006 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1980 - 1982 First page
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L0007 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1981 - 1987 First page
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L0008 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1983 First page
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L0009 Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv 1984 First page
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