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Statsarkivet i Oslo

SAO/A-11715: Oslo folkeregister, Registerkort

Fa: Utflyttede
Fac: Utflyttede III Oslo
L1083 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Berga - Bey. First page
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L1084 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Bi - Bj. First page
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L1085 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Bl - Bo First page
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L1086 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Bra - Bren. First page
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L1087 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Bret - Brå. First page
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L1088 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Bu - Bå. First page
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L1089 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 C - Dal. First page
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L1090 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Dam - Då. First page
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L1091 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ea - Ek. First page
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L1092 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 El - En. First page
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L1093 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Er - Ev. First page
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L1094 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Fa - Fj. First page
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L1095 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Fl - Fo. First page
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L1096 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Fr - Få. First page
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L1097 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ga - Og. First page
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L1098 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Gra - Grå. First page
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L1099 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Grø - Gå. First page
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L1100 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ha - Ham. First page
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L1101 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Han. First page
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L1102 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Har - Hay. First page
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L1103 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 He - Hel. First page
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L1104 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Hem - Hj. First page
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L1105 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ho - Hr. First page
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L1106 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Hv - Hå. First page
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L1107 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 J - Ja. First page
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L1108 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Je. First page
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L1109 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Jo - Johansen L. First page
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L1110 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 M - Jot. First page
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L1111 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Jov - Jå. First page
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L1112 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ka. First page
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L1113 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ke - Kl. First page
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L1114 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Kn - Ko. First page
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L1115 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Kr. First page
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L1116 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ku - Kå. First page
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L1117 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 La - Larsen P. First page
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L1118 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Larsen R - Le. First page
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L1119 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Li. First page
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L1120 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Lo - Lu. First page
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L1121 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ly - Lå. First page
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L1122 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ma - Mb. First page
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L1123 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Me - Mj. First page
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L1124 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Mo. First page
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L1125 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Mu - Må. First page
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L1126 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Na - Ng First page
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L1127 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ni - Nj. First page
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L1128 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 No - Nå. First page
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L1129 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Ob - Ol. First page
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L1130 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Om - Pa. First page
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L1131 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Pedersen - Petersb. First page
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L1132 UTFLYTTEDE 1968 Pettersen - Q. First page
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