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The Sámi Archives

SAMI/PA-1126: Sámiráđđi / Saami Council

D: Čálašeapmi, áššebáhpirat / Korrespondanse, sakarkiv
L0013 Sámi Instituhtta 1975 - 1984 First page
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L0014 Boahtán poasta 1976 - 1977 First page
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L0015 Vuolgán poasta 1976 - 1977 First page
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L0016 Vuolgán poastagirjjit 1976 - 1989 First page
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L0017 Boahtán poasta 1978 First page
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L0018 Vuolgán poasta 1978 - 1979 First page
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L0019 Boahtán poasta 1979 First page
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L0020 Poastagirjjit Boahtán 1979 - 1989 First page
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SAMI/PA-1143: Márkomeannu arkiiva

D: Festivála áššearkiiva / Festivalens saksarkiv
Da: Áššearkiiva jagiid mielde / Saksarkiv etter år.
1 2004 - 2005 Teaterworkshop og teaterprosjekt First page
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10 2008 Sametingets institusjonsmelding First page
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11 2008 Kjøreplan, artister First page
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12 2008 - 2009 Utvikling First page
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13 2008 - 2010 Vaktlister First page
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14 2009 Dokumenter First page
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15 2009 Økonomi First page
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16 2010 Økonomi First page
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17 2010 Økonomi First page
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18 2010 Atlas Copco vekselsstrømgenerator First page
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19 2010 Ohcamat / søknader First page
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2 2005 - 2006 Generelt First page
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20 2010 Prográmma / program First page
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21 2010 Administrasjon og produsent First page
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22 2010 Praktisk First page
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23 2010 Dokumenter First page
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24 2011 Prográmma / program First page
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25 2011 Dokumenter First page
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26 2011 Administrasjon og produsent First page
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27 2011 Ohcamat / søknader First page
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28 2011 Alkohol First page
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29 2011 Praktisk First page
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3 2005 - 2008 Generelt First page
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30 2005 - 2011 Avisutklipp First page
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31 2015 Plakat First page
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4 2006 Márkomeannu First page
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5 2007 - 2008 Utskrift fra samenet First page
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6 2007 - 2008 Program- og bookingleder First page
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7 2007 - 2010 Økonomi (2007, 2008 og 2010) First page
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8 2008 Generalforsamling First page
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9 2008 Prosjektgjennomføring First page
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Statsarkivet i Oslo

SAO/A-10065a: Skoledirektøren i Østfold

Db: Sakarkiv II
L0234/0002 --: Skolefritidsordninger 1989 - 1992 First page

SAO/A-10150: Skoledirektøren i Oslo og Akershus

Dn: Diverse
L0062 Alle saker 1962 - 1992 1991 Skolefritidsordning, Oslo og Akershus First page

SAO/A-10644: Kristiania tukthus

Ad: Sakarkiv
Adb: Sakarkiv II
L0011 Innkomne skriv, rapporter og regnskap 1742 - 1783 Omfatter deler av Søndre Vestfold og deler av Nedre Telemark. First page Content
Ad: Sakarkiv
Adc: Diverse skriv
L0001 Innkomne skriv 1740 - 1789 First page Content

SAO/A-10967: Norges statsbaner (NSB), Oslo distrikt

02: Materiale avlevert i 2012
D: Sakarkiv ordnet etter arkivnøkkel
Da: Sakarkiv ordnet etter ordinær arkivnøkkel
L0431/0002 --: Elektriske ledninger (sterkstrøm) 1915 - 1989 Vestby elektrisitetsverk First page
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L0564/0001 --: Planoverganger 1951 - 1966 Østfoldbanen, sak 1093/50 - 1093/63 First page Content
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L0564/0002 --: Planoverganger 1906 - 1983 Gjøvikbanen og Valdresbanen, sak 1094/0 - 1094/13. Sak 1094/8 finnes som vedlegg til sak 1094/29 i L0564/0003. First page Content
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L0564/0003 --: Planoverganger 1903 - 1974 Gjøvikbanen og Valdresbanen, sak 1094/14 - 1094/34 First page Content
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L0735/0001 --: Sidespor 1928 - 1978 Østfoldbanens vestre linje: Felleskjøpet, Kambo-Moss First page Content
L0735/0002 --: Sidespor 1915 - 1991 Østfoldbanens vestre linje: Torp sidespor First page Content
L0735/0003 --: Sidespor 1924 - 1983 Østfoldbanens vestre linje: 1) Norsk teknisk porselensfabrik, Seut sidespor; 2) Kjærs bruk, Fredrikstad; 3) Industrispor Fredrikstad-Lisleby First page Content