Your search returned 2283 results.
L0001/0002 | Vaktjournaler - Dagbøker: Vaktjournal - Dagbok | 07.01.1927 - 31.12.1934 | First page | Content |
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L0001/0003 | Vaktjournaler - Dagbøker: Vaktjournal - Dagbok | 01.01.1935 - 11.03.1946 | First page | Content |
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L0001/0001 | Dagbøker og diverse dokumenter: Dagbok | 27.01.1941 - 31.05.1941 | First page |
L0001/0002 | Dagbøker og diverse dokumenter: Dagbok | 15.04.1941 - 25.05.1941 | First page |
L0001/0003 | Dagbøker og diverse dokumenter: Dagbok | 01.06.1941 - 06.08.1941 | First page |
L0001/0004 | Dagbøker og diverse dokumenter: Dagbok | 06.08.1941 - 05.10.1941 | First page |
L0001/0005 | Dagbøker og diverse dokumenter: Dagbok | 06.10.1941 - 14.10.1942 | First page |
L0002/0002 | Diverse: Nils Jernsletten - Iver Jåks - Dajahusat | 1976 | First page |
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L0129 | Anmeldte NER - NILS | 1974 - 1975 | First page |
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L0130 | Anmeldte NILS - NYG | 1974 - 1975 | First page |
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L0031 | Menn: Olsen, Nils - Paulsberg | 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0004 | Dagbok fanger | 01.07.1940 - 29.02.1948 | First page | Content |
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L0022 | Menn: Frost Nils - Gjerde Olav | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1919 | First page |
L0061 | Menn: Malmstrøm Hjalmar - Mathisen Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1919 | First page |
L0062 | Menn: Mathisen Odd - Midtun Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1919 | First page |
L0011 | Menn: Saba Nils - Syvertsen Rolf | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0002 | Kvinner og menn: Dale Anna - Hagenstuen Nils | 01.01.1917 - 31.12.1960 | First page |
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L0112 | Menn: Lynge Toralf - Lørendal Nils | 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 | First page |
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L0114 | Menn: Magnus Nils - Maslins Olaf | 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 | First page |
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L0179 | Menn: Tauk Gunnar - Titland Nils | 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 | First page |
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L0188 | Menn: Wanner Peter - Vemmestad Nils | 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 | First page |
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L0189 | Menn: Wemmestad Nils - Westgård Halfdam | 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 | First page |
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L0191 | Menn: Vik Jens - Williamsen Nils | 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 | First page |
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L0084 | Menn: Brandt Nils - Brattlien Harry | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0475 | Menn: Maaland Sverre - Nanvoll Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0478 | Menn: Nærsnes Bjørn - Næss Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0479 | Menn: Nes Nils - Næsse Johannes | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0489 | Menn: Nielsen Lars - Nilsen Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0490 | Menn: Nilsson Nils - Nilsen Per | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0526 | Menn: Oseth Erik - Otterøy Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0634 | Menn: Stenanger Kåre - Steene Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0646 | Menn: Strømner Arne - Sund Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0712 | Menn: Vikshåland Nils - Vilhelmsen Kåre | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0733 | Menn: Aaberg Gunnar - Aall Nils | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0734 | Menn: Aall Nils - Aandal Ole | 01.01.1906 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0944 | Niels Juels gate 51 - Nils Bays vei 23 | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0945 | Nils Bays vei 25 - 52 | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0946 | Nils Bays vei 53 - 86 | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0947 | Nils Collett Vogts vei 1 - 56 | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0948 | Nils Collett Vogts vei 57 - Nils Huus' gate 18 A | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0949 | Nils Huus' gate 18 B - Nils Lauritssøns vei 26 | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0950 | Nils Lauritssøns vei 27 - Nilserudkleiva 21 A | 01.07.1991 | First page |
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L0019 | Hovedregisterkort - døde - Myrl - Nils, F | 1916 - 1965 | First page |
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L0020 | Hovedregisterkort - døde - Nils, G - Nordh | 1916 - 1965 | First page |
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L0033 | Hovedregisterkort - omskrevne kort, kvinner og menn - Nesh, B - Nils, G | 1916 - 1965 | First page |
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L0034 | Hovedregisterkort - omskrevne kort, kvinner og menn - Nils, Haa - Nils, O | 1916 - 1965 | First page |
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L0035 | Hovedregisterkort - omskrevne kort, kvinner og menn - Nils, P - Norhe | 1916 - 1965 | First page |
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L0189 | NILS- NJOR | 1916 - 1995 | Nils Kjærs gt 1a - Njordkroken 40 | First page |
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L0545 | Ikke konverterte foretak, Nils A-Nils H | 1890 - 1990 | First page |
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L0546 | Ikke konverterte foretak, Nils J-Nils Vi | 1890 - 1990 | First page |
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