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AV/RA-S-3138-47: Landssvikarkivet, Troms politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Dommer
L0068/0002 --: Hnr. 27/52 1945 - 1952 Hnr. 27/52 ***** Get access
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L0068/0003 --: Hnr. 28/52 1945 - 1949 Hnr. 28/52 Alfon Leonhard Sebakk, f. 21.6.1888 Get access
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L0069/0001 --: Hnr. 29/52 1945 - 1949 Hnr. 29/52 ***** Get access
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L0069/0002 --: Hnr. 30/52 1945 Hnr. 30/52 ***** Get access
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L0069/0003 --: Hnr. 31/52 1945 - 1946 Hnr. 31/52 ***** Get access
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L0070/0001 --: Hnr. 32/52 1945 - 1956 Hnr. 32/52 A/S Betong v/ Hans Odin Marinius Marvold, f. 11.6.1897 Get access Content
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L0070/0002 --: Hnr. 33/52 1945 - 1946 Hnr. 33/52 ***** Get access
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L0070/0003 --: Hnr. 34a/52 1945 - 1954 Hnr. 34a/52 ***** Get access Content
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L0071/0001 --: Hnr. 34/52 1945 Hnr. 34/52 ***** Get access
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L0071/0002 --: Hnr. 1/53 1945 - 1946 Hnr. 1/53 ***** Get access
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L0071/0003 --: Hnr. 2/53 1945 - 1947 Hnr. 2/53 ***** Apply for access
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L0072/0001 --: Hnr. 3/53 1945 - 1949 Hnr. 3/53 Johan Angell Schønning Klingan, f. 15.1.1889 Get access
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L0072/0002 --: Hnr. 4/53 1945 - 1949 Hnr. 4/53 ***** Apply for access
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L0073/0001 --: Hnr. 5/53 1945 - 1949 Hnr. 5/53 ***** Get access Content
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L0073/0002 --: Hnr. 7/53 1945 - 1950 Hnr. 7/53 ***** Get access
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L0074/0002 --: Hnr. 2/54 1945 - 1951 Hnr. 2/54 Skog & Akselsen v/Otto Jørgen Johnsen Skog, f. 4.9.1894, Markus Nicolai, f. 22.7.1896 Get access
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L0076/0001 --: Hnr. 3/54 1945 - 1952 Hnr. 3/54 ***** Get access
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L0076/0002 --: Hnr. 4/54 1945 - 1950 Hnr. 4/54 ***** Get access
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L0077/0001 --: Hnr. 5/54 1945 - 1950 Hnr. 5/54 Karl Johan Ovesen, f. 3.1.1896 Get access
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L0077/0002 --: Hnr. 6/54 1945 - 1950 Hnr. 6/54 ***** Get access
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L0078/0001 --: Hnr. 1/55 1945 - 1955 Hnr. 1/55 ***** Get access
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L0078/0002 --: Hnr. 2/55 1945 - 1955 Hnr. 2/55 ***** Apply for access
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L0079/0002 --: Hnr. 3/55 1945 - 1955 Hnr. 3/55 ***** Get access
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L0079/0003 --: Hnr. 1/56 1945 - 1956 Hnr. 1/56 ***** Apply for access
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L0080 Hnr. 2/56 1945 - 1956 Hnr. 2/56 ***** Get access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dd: Henlagte saker
L0006/0013 --: Hnr. 119/46 1945 - 1946 Hnr. 119/46 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-48: Landssvikarkivet, Vestfinnmark politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Saker på henleggelsesnummer 1947-52
L0034/0001 1945 - 1952 Hnr. 1/52 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-52: Landssvikarkivet, Bredtveit kvinnefengsel

C: Fangekartotek
L0001 1945 - 1950 Fangekartotek First page Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: L-dommer (Landsfengselsdommer)
L0076 Hnr. L 23 1945 - 1949 L-dom 23 1948/1949 Olga Bjoner, f. 10.12.1887 Get access Content
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L0081/0004 --: Hnr. L 35 1945 - 1948 Hnr. L 35 1948/1949 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-01: Landssvikarkivet, Oslo politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dd: Forelegg
L0033/0330 Forelegg, anr. 3646 - 3730: Anr. 3730 1945 - 1946 Anr. 3730 David Johan Jacob Kvandal, f. 8.9.1919 First page Content
L0376/5671 Forelegg, anr. 27579 - 27675: Anr. 27599 1945 - 1947 Anr. 27599 ***** Get access Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
De: Påtaleunnlatelser
L0016/0180 Påtaleunnlatelser anr. 8718 - 8850: Anr. 8818 1945 - 1946 Anr. 8818 Gudrun Nordraak-Feyling, f. 28.7.1896 First page Content

AV/RA-S-3138-10: Landssvikarkivet, Østerdal politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Dommer
L0048a/0014 Dommer: Dnr. 429 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 429 ***** Apply for access
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AV/RA-S-3138-16: Landssvikarkivet, Nord-Jarlsberg politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Saker
L0034 Sak anr. 1945 - 1951 Anr. 162/45 ***** Get access Content
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L0101 Sak anr. 1945 - 2016 Anr. 159/45 Hans Hannevig, f. 25.9.1887 Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-31: Landssvikarkivet, Hordaland politikammer

C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Ca: Kartotek
L0001 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: A - E First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: F - Johannessen First page Content
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L0003 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: Johnsen - N First page Content
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L0004 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: O - S First page Content
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L0005 1945 - 1950 Alfabetisk kartotek: T - Å First page Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Saker
L0061 Anr. 304/45 1945 - 1949 Anr. 304/45 ***** Get access Content
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L0068/0007 Anr. 434: Anr. 443/45 1945 - 1948 Anr. 443/45 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-37: Landssvikarkivet, Nordmøre politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Dommer
L0001/0001 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1949 ***** Get access
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L0001/0002 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1949 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0003 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1951 Fredrik Aasen, f. 1.1.1876 Apply for access
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L0001/0004 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1949 ***** Get access
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L0001/0005 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1950 ***** Get access
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L0001/0006 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1946 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0007 Dommer: NN 1945 - 1948 Anders Astad, f. 30.11.1898 Apply for access
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