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Statsarkivet i Kongsberg

AV/SAKO-A-377: Borre folkeregister

Y: Diverse
Ya: Diverse protokoller
L0001 Fødsels- og dødsmeldinger 1947 - 1951 First page
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L0002 Midlertidig fraværende 1943 - 1963 First page
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L0003 Midlertidig tilstedeværende 1943 - 1963 First page
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Y: Diverse
Yb: Diverse dokumenter - Forsvunne
L0001 Forsvunne 1957 First page
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AV/SAKO-A-378: Brunlanes folkeregister

D: Navneregister
Da: Navnekort pr. 31.12.1987
L0001 Kvinner: A - Fl 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0002 Kvinner: Fo - Ja 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0003 Kvinner: Je - Ng 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0004 Kvinner: Ni - Su 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0005 Kvinner: Sv - Å 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0006 Menn: A - Gr 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0007 Menn: Gu - Ko 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0008 Menn: Kr - R 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0009 Menn: S - Å 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1987 First page
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D: Navneregister
Db: Eldre navnekort
L0001 Kvinner: A - Hal 01.01.1939 - 02.12.1946 First page
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L0002 Kvinner: Han - Å 01.01.1939 - 02.12.1946 First page
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L0003 Menn: A - Ni 01.01.1939 - 02.12.1946 First page
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L0004 Menn: No - Å 01.01.1939 - 02.12.1946 First page
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L0005 Kvinner: A - R 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1963 First page
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L0006 Kvinner: S - Å 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1963 First page
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L0007 Menn: A - Å 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1963 First page
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G: Utflyttede
Ga: Utflyttede (også Innflyttede)
L0001 Innflyttede 1944 - 1952 First page
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H: Døde
Ha: Hovedregisterkort - Døde
L0001 Døde 1979 - 1983 First page
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L0002 Døde 1984 - 1987 First page
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K: Utvandrede
Ka: Hovedregisterkort - Utvandrede
L0001 Utvandrede 1939 - 1956 First page
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L0002 Utvandrede 1957 - 1966 First page
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L0003 Utvandrede 1967 - 1969 First page
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L0004 Utvandrede 1970 - 1987 First page
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L: Adopterte
La: Adopsjonsrelaterte navne- og registerkort
L0001 Adopsjonsrelaterte navne- og registerkort 1958 - 1966 First page
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L0002 Adopsjonsrelaterte navne- og registerkort (1968-1987) samt forsvunne (1987) 1968 - 1987 First page
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AV/SAKO-A-379: Hedrum folkeregister

D: Navneregister
Da: Navnekort pr. 31.12.1987
L0001 Kvinner: A - Berns 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0002 Kvinner: Berntsen - D 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0003 Kvinner: E - Ge 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0004 Kvinner: Gi - Hansen, E. 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0005 Kvinner: Hansen, F. - Holmene 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0006 Kvinner: Holmgren - Johannessen 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0007 Kvinner: Johansen - Ku 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0008 Kvinner: Kv - L 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0009 Kvinner: M - Ni 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0010 Kvinner: No - O 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0011 Kvinner: P - Sa 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0012 Kvinner: Sc - Sto 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0013 Kvinner: Str - Tu 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0014 Kvinner: Tv - Å 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0015 Menn: A - Bj 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0016 Menn: Bl - Ey 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0017 Menn: F - Hansen, J. 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0018 Menn: Hansen, K. - Haavik 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0019 Menn: I - Kristensen 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0020 Menn: Kristiansen - L 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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L0021 Menn: M - N 03.12.1946 - 31.12.1987 First page
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