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AV/RA-S-3138-01: Landssvikarkivet, Oslo politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dd: Forelegg
L0033/0330 Forelegg, anr. 3646 - 3730: Anr. 3730 1945 - 1946 Anr. 3730 David Johan Jacob Kvandal, f. 8.9.1919 First page Content
L0036/0360 Forelegg, anr. 4057 - 4261: Anr. 4167 1945 - 1954 Anr. 4167 Thor Haraldsen Strand f. 5.11.1979 Get access Content
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L0171/1661 Forelegg, anr. 11984 - 12091: Anr. 11984 1945 - 1948 Anr. 11984 ***** Apply for access Content
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L0204/2128 Forelegg, anr. 13756 - 13789: Anr. 13787 1945 - 1946 Anr. 13787 ***** Get access Content
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L0235/2578 Forelegg, anr. 15475 - 15515: Anr. 15475 1945 - 1947 Anr. 15475 Johannes Brynjulvsen Een (AS Brødrene Een) f. 24.8.1882 Get access Content
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L0276/3245 Forelegg, anr. 20542 - 20594: Anr. 20579 1945 - 1946 Anr. 20579 Bergliot Noreger, f. 10.6.1888 Get access Content
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L0314/4215 Forelegg, anr. 22449 - 22475: Anr. 22471 1945 - 1953 Anr. 22471 ***** Get access Content
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L0376/5671 Forelegg, anr. 27579 - 27675: Anr. 27599 1945 - 1947 Anr. 27599 ***** Get access Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
De: Påtaleunnlatelser
L0016/0180 Påtaleunnlatelser anr. 8718 - 8850: Anr. 8818 1945 - 1946 Anr. 8818 Gudrun Nordraak-Feyling, f. 28.7.1896 First page Content
D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dg: Henlagt bevisets stilling
L0167/2174 Henlagt hnr. 2139 - 2148: Hnr. 2140 1945 - 1948 Hnr. 2140 Friedrich Georg Preisz, f. 6.8.1897 Get access Content
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L0267/3699 Henlagt hnr. 3658 - 3665: Hnr. 3662 1945 - 1946 Hnr. 3662 Anne Marie Breien First page Content
D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dh: Henlagt døde
L0009/0025 Henlagt døde anr. 10569 - 19284: Anr. 13649 1945 - 1946 Anr. 13649 Alf Andreassen Flesland First page
L0023/0403 Henlagt døde anr. 27308 - 27593: Anr. 27499 1945 - 1947 Anr. 27499 Fritjof Hansen First page
D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dl: Krigsforbrytere
L0001/0001 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 1 1945 - 1951 Alf. 1 Gustav Auer, f. 14.11.1919 Get access Content
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L0001/0002 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 2 1945 - 1950 Alf. 2 Karl Bergmann, f. 29.12.1910 Get access Content
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L0001/0003 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 3 1945 - 1951 Alf. 3 Paul Bölling, f. 27.6.1912 Get access Content
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L0002/0004 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 4 1945 - 1950 Alf. 4 Erwin Heinrich Doose, f. 31.3.1909 Get access Content
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L0002/0005 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 5 1945 - 1950 Alf. 5 Walter Drach, f. 8.12.1915 Get access Content
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L0002/0006 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 6 1945 - 1948 Alf. 6 Waldemar Erwin Dudeck, f. 28.9.1904 Get access Content
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L0003/0007 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 7 1945 - 1951 Alf. 7 Friedrich Wilhelm Eisenacher, f. 28.12.1909 Get access Content
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L0003/0008 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 8 1945 - 1951 Alf. 8 Adam Hummel, f. 30.9.1921, og Paul Hildebrandt, f. 16.4.1915 Get access Content
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L0003/0010 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 9 1945 - 1947 Alf. 9 Johannes Helmut Klötzer, f. 6.1.1910 Get access Content
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L0004 Alf. 10 1945 - 1950 Alf. 10 Otto Hans Klötzer, f. 6.8.1908 Get access Content
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L0005/0012 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 11 1945 - 1951 Alf. 11 Walter Küper, f. 19.12.1906 Get access Content
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L0005/0013 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 12 1945 - 1947 Alf. 12 Friedrich Albert Lappe, f. 2.4.1907 Get access Content
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L0005/0014 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 13 1945 - 1948 Alf. 13 Willy Laqua, f. 27.6.1909 Get access Content
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L0005/0015 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 14 1945 - 1951 Alf. 14 Friedrich Wilhelm Meyer, f. 31.3.1915 Get access Content
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L0006/0016 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 15 1945 - 1951 Alf. 15 Willi Johan Heinrich Paetow, f. 1.6.1907 Get access Content
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L0006/0017 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 16 1945 - 1950 Alf. 16 Werner Pöhlmann, f. 13.1.1920, og Robert Hirt, f. 17.9.1918 Get access Content
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L0007/0019 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 17 1945 - 1951 Alf. 17 Felix Josef Max Ritter, f. 30.5.1910 Get access Content
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L0007/0020 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 18 1945 - 1947 Alf. 18 Hans Richard Roth, f. 26.8.1910. Et dokument om benådning befinner seg i AV/RA-S-3138-39/D/Da/L0177 (dnr. 840). Get access Content
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L0008/0021 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 19 1945 - 1948 Alf. 19 Hans Friderich Ruthke, f. 16.12.1911 Get access Content
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L0008/0022 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 20 1945 - 1947 Alf. 20 Otto Erich Schilling, f. 9.7.1912 Get access Content
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L0008/0023 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 21 1945 - 1951 Alf. 21 Josef Siegfried Schossmann, f. 30.8.1907 Get access Content
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L0009/0002 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 22 1945 - 1947 Alf. 22 August Stuckmann, f. 1.3.1910 Get access Content
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L0010/0002 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 23 1945 - 1951 Alf. 23 Arne Wilhelm Syvertsen, f. 2.7.1906 Get access Content
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L0011/0002 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 24 1945 - 1951 Alf. 24 Carl Hermann August Wagner, f. 16.5.1903 Get access Content
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L0011/0003 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 25 1945 - 1950 Alf. 25 Otto Weiss, f. 10.2.1900 Get access Content
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L0012/0028 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 26 1945 - 1950 Alf. 26 Heinrich Wilhelm Oskar Willführ, f. 17.8.1906 Get access Content
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L0012/0029 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 27 1945 - 1950 Alf. 27 Karl Heinrich Friedrich Franz Wolter, f. 5.12.1910 Get access Content
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L0012/0030 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 28 1945 - 1947 Alf. 28 Ludwig Josef Zirk, f. 10.5.1909 Get access Content
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L0013/0002 Krigsforbrytere: Alf. 29 1945 - 1951 Alf. 29 Alouis Gamauf, f. 11.2.1912 Get access Content
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L0014 Alf. 30 1945 - 1947 Alf. 30 Siegfried Theophil Schädlich, f. 15.3.1910 Get access Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dp: B-saker
L0017/0022 B-sak 641 - 680: Sak 663 1945 B-saker, nr. 17.22: Sak 663 ***** Get access
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L0040/0002 B-sak 1461 - 1479: Sak 1462 1945 Sak 1462 Alf Andreassen Flesland, f. 27.6.1915 Get access
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L0074/0021 B-sak 2710 - 2730: Sak 2730 1945 - 1947 Sak 2730 ***** Get access Content
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L0093/0015 B-sak 3029 - 3048: Sak 3045 1945 Sak 3045 Skallumsaken First page Content
F: Diverse
Fa: Samling med dokumenter fra bl.a. arbeidet med landssviksaker ved Oslo politikammer
L0001 Diverse dokumenter - avhørsrapporter fra landsvikssaker m.v. etter politimann ved Oslo politikammer 1945 - 1946 Apply for access Content
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F: Diverse
Fb: Diverse materiale ordnet og registrert i 2009
Fbd: Abwehr i Norge
L0001 Sipo u. Sd og Abwehr i Norge 1945 Get access Content
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L0002 Sipo u. Sd og Abwehr i Norge 1945 Get access Content
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