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The Sámi Archives

SAMI/PA-1093: Guovdageainnu Johttisápmelaččaid Searvi

G: NBR, plánadokumeanttat / NRL, plandokumenter
L0006 Samlet plan 1984 - Statkraft 1988 1984 - 1988 First page
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L0007 Samlet plan 1984 First page
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L0008 Samlet plan 1984 First page
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L0009 Protokoll og statistikk 1984 - 1991 First page
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L0010 Gjerdeutvalgets sluttrapport 1980 - 1990 First page
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L0011 Kurs 1985 - 1991 First page
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H: Válgadokumeanttat / Valgmateriell
L0001 Valgmateriell, valglister 1987 - 1999 First page
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R: Rehketdoallu / Regnskap
L0001/0001 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap: Kassabok for Kautokeino Flyttsamelag 1949 - 1982 First page
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L0001/0002 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap: Kautokeino Flyttsamelagets Servicekontor 1983 - 1985 First page
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L0001/0003 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap: Kassabok 1986 - 1992 First page
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L0001/0004 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap: Kassabok 1990 - 2003 First page
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L0002 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1981 - 1983 First page
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L0003 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1982 - 1985 First page
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L0004 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1984 - 1985 First page
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L0005 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1986 First page
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L0006 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1986 - 1988 First page
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L0007 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1987 - 1988 First page
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L0008 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1989 First page
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L0009 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1989 First page
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L0010 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1989 - 1991 First page
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L0011 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1990 - 1991 First page
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L0012 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1992 - 1993 First page
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L0013 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1993 - 1994 First page
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L0014 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1995 First page
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L0015 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1996 First page
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L0016 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1997 First page
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L0017 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1998 First page
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L0018 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 1999 First page
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L0019 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 2010 First page
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L0020 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 2011 First page
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L0021 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 2012 First page
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L0022 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 2013 First page
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L0023 Rehketdoallu / Regnskap 2014 First page
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U: LP-skearru, govat / Lp-plate, foto
L0001 Fotoalbum 1949 - 2019 First page
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Y: Girjjit, NAČ, Rapportat / Bøker, NOU, rapporter
L0001 Muittalus Samid Birra - af den svenske lap Johan Turi 1910 First page
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L0002/0001 Diverse: Reindriftsbladet 1953 - 1964 First page
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L0002/0002 Diverse: Nils Jernsletten - Iver Jåks - Dajahusat 1976 First page
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L0002/0003 Diverse: NIBR-rapport 1990:11 Del 1 1990 First page
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L0002/0004 Diverse: Aktuelle lover i forhold til samiske spørsmål 1991 First page
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L0002/0005 Diverse: Finnmárkku fylkaplána 1992-1995 1991 First page
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L0002/0006 Diverse: Samene i Europa 1992 First page
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L0002/0007 Diverse: Reindriften i Finnmark 1994 First page
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L0002/0008 Diverse: NIBR - Notat 1996:130 1996 First page
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L0002/0009 Diverse: Synet på reindriften / Oaidnu boazodollui 1949-1999 1999 First page
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L0003 Nordisk kriminal krønike 1985 First page
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L0004/0001 Nordisk kriminal krønike: Nordisk kriminal krønike 1986 First page
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L0004/0002 Nordisk kriminal krønike: Nordisk kriminal krønike 1987 First page
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L0005/0006 Diverse: Kautokeino Flyttsamelag 50 år 1949-1999 1999 First page
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SAMI/PA-1102: Dálvadis Teáhtera arkiiva

A: Čoahkkinbeavdegirjjit / Møtereferater
1 09.04.1990 - 30.01.1991 First page
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E: Áššearkiiva / Saksarkiv
L0001 Dálvadis 1971 - 2012 First page
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