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RA/PA-2007: Fortidsminneforeningen

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbe: Del IIG Avdelingenes regnskap
2 2001 - 2007 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbf: Del IIH H. M. Kongens bidrag
1 1951 - 2005 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbg: Del IIi Bidrag og støtte til avdelingene
1 2007 - 2009 No access
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2 1999 - 2015 No access
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3 1999 - 2001 No access
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4 2003 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbh: Del IIK Medlemskontigent (mellomregnskap med avdelingene)
1 2000 - 2012 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbi: Del IIL Gaver og bidrag
1 2011 - 2013 No access
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2 1967 - 1968 No access
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3 1968 - 2013 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbj: Del IIM Skattefrihet for gaver og andre skattespørsmål
1 2005 No access
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2 1973 - 2004 No access
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3 1984 - 1994 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Del II Økonomi
Dbk: Del IIN-IIY2 Diverse økonomi
1 1964 - 1965 No access
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2 1975 No access
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3 1975 - 1994 No access
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4 1992 - 1993 No access
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5 1994 - 1998 No access
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6 1999 - 2000 No access
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7 1978 - 2014 No access
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8 1980 - 1982 No access
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9 1981 - 2004 No access
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10 1976 - 2013 No access
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11 1993 - 2007 No access
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12 2000 - 2008 No access
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13 2008 - 2013 No access
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14 2013 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dd: Del IV Medlemsskap/bytteforbindelser/abonnement
Dda: Del IVA Generelle spørsmål/medlemskapsordninger
1 1999 - 2011 No access
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2 1975 - 2001 No access
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3 1998 - 2002 No access
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4 1983 - 2001 No access
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5 2006 - 2010 No access
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6 1997 - 2012 No access
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7 2008 - 2015 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
De: Del V Årboken
Dea: Del V Årboken
1 1999 - 2015 No access
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2 1998 - 2002 No access
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3 1994 - 2017 No access
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4 2001 - 2007 No access
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5 1845 - 2000 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Df: Del VII Fortidsvern
Dfa: Del VII Fortidsvern
1 1999 - 2015 No access
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2 1973 - 2006 No access
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3 2001 - 2008 No access
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4 2004 - 2005 No access
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dg: Del VIII Publikasjoner
Dga: Del VIIIA Veiledere for eiendommene, topografisk ordnet
1 1964 - 1972 No access
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2 1960 - 1979 No access
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3 1962 - 1998 No access
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4 1958 - 1974 No access
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5 1966 - 1985 No access
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6 1967 - 1971 No access
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7 1964 - 1979 No access
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