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RA/S-3893: 5. departement for finans-, handels- og tollfaget

C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Cb: Bilag til journalene
L0014 Regninger fra Riksforsamlingens deputerede 1814 First page Content

RA/S-3899: Departementene i 1814

Fa: 1. departement
L0001 1. byrå - Referatprotokoll m/ register 9-55 25.08.1814 - 24.11.1814 First page Content
L0002 1. byrå - Kopibok A 1-173 07.03.1814 - 29.08.1814 First page Content
L0004 1. byrå - Kopibok B 1-370 25.03.1814 - 28.11.1814 First page Content
L0006 1. byrå - Journal A 1-543 05.03.1814 - 24.08.1814 First page Content
L0008 1. byrå - Journal B 17.03.1814 - 29.11.1814 First page Content
L0009 1. byrå - Fellesregister til journalene A og B 1814 First page Content
L0011 Bokholderkontoret - Kopibok 04.04.1814 - 28.11.1814 First page Content
L0014 Bokholderkontoret - Register til journalen 1814 - 1815 First page Content
L0027 Bokholderkontoret - "En del fortegnelser fra 1814 over pensjoner og vartpenge" 1814 First page Content
Fb: 2. departement
L0028 Kopibok 1-1371 07.03.1814 - 07.12.1814 First page Content
L0029 Journal A 1-900 (ekstraktprotokoll) 28.02.1814 - 09.08.1814 First page Content
Fc: 3. departement
L0039 Journal A 1814 First page Content
L0044 Journalsaker B 451-908 1813 - 1814 First page Content
Fd: 4. departement
L0045 Kopibok 05.03.1814 - 13.09.1814 First page Content
Fe: 5. departement
L0054 Journal 1814 First page Content
Ff: Opplysningskomiteen
L0001 Deliberasjonsprotokoll 1814 - 1815 First page Content

RA/S-3997: Fiskeridepartementet, Avlevering 1971

Dd: Sakarkiv etter nøkkel
L0034 IV-B-1 Spørsmål om sammenslutning av makrellfiskere. "Makrellsaken" 1920 - 1931 Vedrørende a) Trondhjems biologiske stasjon og bygging av havforskningsfartøyet "Gunnerus" og b) Det kjemiske laboratorium på Melbu i Hadsel. First page Content

RA/S-4237: Justisdepartementet, Politiavdelingen, Juridisk seksjon. 2. rettskontor

Ma: Statsborgersaker - Registerkort
L0001 Aad-Ahm 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0002 Ahm-And 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0003 And-Bad 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0004 Bad-Ber 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0005 Ber-Cab 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0006 Cab-Cu 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0007 Cu-Dua 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0008 Dua-Fea 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0009 Fed-Gho 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0010 Gho-Hai 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0011 Hai-Hoo 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0012 Hoo-Jam 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0013 Jam-Kan 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0014 Kan-Kha 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0015 Kia-Køm 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0016 Køn-Lun 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0017 Lun-Mau 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0018 Mau-Mal 1946 - 1988 Feil i katalogen; skal være: Mau - Mol First page
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L0019 Mol-Mas 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0020 Nas-Nil 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0021 Nil-Par 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0022 Par-Pri 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0023 Prk-Rez 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0024 Rez-Sal 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0025 Sal-Sha 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0026 Sha-Siv 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0027 Siv-Szy 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0028 Szy-Tor 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0029 Tor-Vie 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0030 Vie-Yil 1946 - 1988 First page
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L0031 Yil-Aas 1946 - 1988 First page
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Mb: Statsborgersøknader - Registerkort
L0001 Aba-Beg 1986 - 1989 First page
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