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Statsarkivet i Bergen

SAB/A-11901: Strandvik folkeregister

F: Folkeregister
Fb: Innflytte og utflytte
L0003 Utflytta 1947 - 1955 R - Å, 1956 - 1960 A - J 1947 - 1960 First page
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L0004 Utflytta 1956 - 1960 K - Å, 1961 - 1962 1956 - 1962 First page
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L0005 Utflytta 1963, meldingar om inflytte 1943 - 1946 1943 - 1963 First page
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F: Folkeregister
Fc: Døde m.m.
L0001 Døde 1946 - 1958 First page
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L0002 Døde 1959-1963, dødsmeldingar 1947-1953, bortkomne 1960-1963 1947 - 1963 First page
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F: Folkeregister
Fd: Kvartalsoppgåver. Meldingar om fødde, vigde og døde
L0001 Oppgåvar 1955 til 2. kvartal 1957 1955 - 1957 First page
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L0002 Oppgåvar frå 3. kvartal 1957 til 1959 1957 - 1959 First page
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L0003 Oppgåvar 1960 - 1961 First page
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L0004 Ymse oppgåvar 1962 - 1963 First page
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SAB/A-12001: Sund folkeregister

F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fa: Utflytte og utvandra
L0001 Utflytta 1947 - 1951 First page
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L0002 Utflytta 1952 - 1955 First page
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L0003 Utflytta 1956 - 1958 First page
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L0004 Utflytta 1959 - 1961 First page
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L0005 Utflytta 1962 - 1965 First page
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L0006 Utflytta 1966 - 1968 First page
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L0007 Utflytta 1969 - 1970 First page
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L0008 Utflytta 1971 - 1973 First page
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L0009 Utflytta 1974 - 1977 First page
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L0010 Utflytta 1978-1993, utvandra 1979-1994 1978 - 1994 First page
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F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fb: Døde
L0001 Døde 1947 - 1961 First page
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L0002 Døde 1962 - 1970 First page
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L0003 Døde 1971-1983 (lakune 1974-1977), dødfødde 1985-1992 1971 - 1992 First page
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F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fc: Hovudregisterkort
L0001 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 1 - 6 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0002 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 7 - 11 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0003 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 12 - 14 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0004 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 15 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0005 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 16 - 23 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0006 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 24 - 26 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0007 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 27 - 29 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0008 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 30 - 32 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0009 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 33 - 35 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0010 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 36 - 38 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0011 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 39 - 42 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0012 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 43 - 47 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0013 Hovudregisterkort gnr. 48 - 50 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0014 Hovudregisterkort Altersmyrvegen - Grønabrekko 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0015 Hovudregisterkort Hagavegen - Liavegen 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0016 Hovudregisterkort Lyngvegen - Skogestranda 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0017 Hovudregisterkort Sletto - Øvre Brekkemyra 1947 - 1968 First page
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F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fd: Diverse
L0001 Flyttingar etter at folkeregisteret slutta å føra kort, forsvunne personar 1947 - 1968 First page
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F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fe: Adopsjon
L0001 Adopsjonar 1971 - 2000 First page
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G: Namnekort
L0001 Namnekort kvinner A - Gl 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0002 Namnekort kvinner Go - Kr 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0003 Namnekort kvinner Ku - Sj 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0004 Namnekort kvinner Sk - Ø 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0005 Namnekort kvinner Å, menn A - G 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0006 Namnekort menn H - L 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0007 Namnekort menn M - Sp 1947 - 1968 First page
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L0008 Namnekort menn St - Å 1947 - 1968 First page
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SAB/A-12101: Sveio folkeregister

F: Hovudregisterkort m.m.
Fa: Utflytte og utvandra
L0001 Utflytta 1964 - 1966 First page
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