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Statsarkivet i Kongsberg

SAKO/A-200: Ringerike folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0026 Utflyttede 1973 A - J First page
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L0027 Utflyttede 1973 K - Å First page
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L0028 Utflyttede 1974 First page
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L0029 Utflyttede 1975 - 1976 First page
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L0030 Utflyttede 1977 - 1980 First page
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K: Utvandrede
Ka: Hovedregisterkort - Utvandrede
L0001 Utvandrede 1971 - 1980 First page
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SAKO/A-201: Nore folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1946 - 1950 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1951 - 1955 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1956 - 1960 First page
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G: Utflyttede
Gb: Inn- og utflyttede
L0001 Inn- og utflyttede 1943 - 1945 Kvinner First page
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SAKO/A-202: Rollag folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1947 - 1953 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1954 - 1960 First page
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SAKO/A-203: Ytre Sandsvær folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1947 - 1949 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1950 - 1953 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1947 - 1950 First page
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L0004 Utflyttede 1951 - 1953 First page
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L0005 Utflyttede 1954 - 1957 First page
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L0006 Utflyttede 1958 - 1960 First page
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L0007 Utflyttede 1961 - 1963 First page
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G: Utflyttede
Gb: Flyttemeldinger
L0002 Flyttemeldinger 1944 First page
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L0003 Flyttemeldinger 1945 First page
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L0004 Flyttemeldinger 1946 First page
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L0005 Flyttemeldinger 1946 - 1947 First page
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L0010 Flyttemeldinger 1947 - 1952 Inneholder også diverse meldinger. First page
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SAKO/A-204: Øvre Sandsvær folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001a Utflyttede 1954 - 1956 First page
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L0001b Utflyttede 1957 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1958 - 1960 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1961 - 1962 First page
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L0004 Utflyttede 1963 First page
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SAKO/A-205: Tyristrand folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1940 - 1953 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1954 - 1956 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1957 - 1963 First page
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SAKO/A-206: Uvdal folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1946 - 1954 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1955 - 1961 First page
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SAKO/A-208: Ådal folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1947 - 1950 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1951 - 1954 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1955 - 1956 First page
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L0004 Utflyttede 1957 - 1958 First page
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L0005 Utflyttede 1959 - 1960 First page
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L0006 Utflyttede 1961 - 1963 First page
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SAKO/A-209: Ål folkeregister

K: Utvandrede
Ka: Hovedregisterkort - Utvandrede
L0001 Utvandrede 1947 - 1956 First page
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AV/SAKO-A-224: Tønsberg byfogd

N: Politiforretninger
Nb: Politiforretninger - Passjournaler
L0001 Passjournal 09.04.1829 - 31.12.1833 First page Content

SAKO/A-363: Flesberg folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1947 - 1950 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1951 - 1953 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1954 - 1956 First page
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L0004 Utflyttede 1970 - 1978 First page
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SAKO/A-391: Skoger folkeregister

G: Utflyttede
Ga: Hovedregisterkort - Utflyttede
L0001 Utflyttede 1942 - 1943 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede 1944 - 1945 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede 1946 - 1947 First page
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L0004 Utflyttede 1948 - 1949 First page
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