Your search returned 4700 results.
L0086 | Fjærstad - Flautner | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0087 | Fleege - Fløvig | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0088 | Flaa - Forbordsli | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0089 | Forbregd - Forset | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0090 | Forsetlund - Fosselie | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0091 | Fossen - Fraige | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0092 | Frahm - Fredriksen, P. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0093 | Fredriksen, R. - Fristad | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0094 | Frisvold - Fuglu | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0095 | Fuglum - Fævelen | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0096 | Føll - Galster | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0097 | Galteland - Garthe | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0098 | Garten - Gerhardsen | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0099 | Gerhardt - Gjesing | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0100 | Glad - Gospodinov | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0101 | Gosse - Grande, L. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0102 | Grande, M. - Gravvold | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0103 | Gravråk - Grimholt | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0104 | Grimnes - Grundtman | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0105 | Grundtvig - Grønnerød | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0106 | Grønnes - Grøterud | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0107 | Grøtfjord - Guimaraes | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0108 | Guin - Gullslett | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0109 | Gulstad - Gunleiksrud | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0110 | Gunn - Gyldenskog | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0111 | Gylland - Hafsmo | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0112 | Hafstad - Hagen, H. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0113 | Hagen, I. - Hagestande | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0114 | Hageselle - Halseide | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0115 | Halsem - Halvorsen, G. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0116 | Halvorsen, H. - Hammer, F. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0117 | Hammer, G. - Hamnøy | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0118 | Hamo - Hansen, Annette | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0119 | Hansen, Annie - Hansen, Einar | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0120 | Hansen, Eirik - Hansen, Hans-Christian | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0121 | Hansen, Hansine - Hansen, Johanne | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0122 | Hansen, Johannes - Hansen, Ludvik | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0123 | Hansen, Mabel - Hansen, Randi | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0124 | Hansen, Randulf - Hansen, Tove | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0125 | Hansen, Trine - Harildstad | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0126 | Harjo - Hasz | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0127 | Hatch - Haugan, D. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0128 | Haugan, E. - Hauge, R. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0129 | Hauge, S. - Haugen, K. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0130 | Haugen, L. - Haugland | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0131 | Hauglie - Haukaa | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0132 | Haukaas - Hegge, G. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0133 | Hegge, H. - Hegstad, E. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0134 | Hegstad, F. -Heitlo | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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L0135 | Heitmann - Helland, E. | 01.01.1964 - 31.12.1988 | First page |
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