Your search returned 1981 results.
L0001 | Dagbok | 1905 - 1922 | First page |
L0002 | Dagbok | 1911 - 1942 | First page |
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L0003 | Dagbok | 1913 - 1951 | First page |
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L0001 | Avgangsvitnemålsprotokoll (d) | 1892 - 1913 | First page |
L0001 | Dagbok | 1889 - 1900 | First page |
L0002 | Dagbok | 1890 - 1904 | First page |
L0003 | Dagbok | 1901 - 1911 | First page |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1875 - 1895 | First page |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1882 - 1927 | First page |
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L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1878 - 1894 | First page |
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll (d) | 1906 - 1922 | First page |
L0004 | Skoleprotokoll | 1923 - 1946 | First page |
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L0005 | Skoleprotokoll | 1948 - 1961 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0002 | Dagbok | 1895 - 1911 | First page |
L0003 | Dagbok | 1911 - 1957 | First page |
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L0004 | Dagbok | 1957 - 1961 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll | 1906 - 1922 | First page |
L0001 | Dagbok | 1879 - 1894 | First page |
L0001 | Avgangsvitnemålsprotokoll | 1894 - 1907 | First page |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1894 - 1915 | First page |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1916 - 1938 | First page |
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L0003 | Skoleprotokoll | 1938 - 1962 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0001 | Dagbok | 1894 - 1905 | First page |
L0002 | Dagbok | 1905 - 1929 | First page |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll (d) | 1902 - 1936 | First page |
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L0001 | Dagbok (d) | 1900 - 1936 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok (d) | 1888 - 1913 | First page |
L0002 | Møtebok (d) | 1913 - 1920 | First page |
L0003 | Møtebok | 1920 - 1925 | Kilden er skannet av frivillige fra Slekt og data Vest-Agder : Hugo Larsen, Gunnar Ole Gundersen, Agnar Merkesnes, Thorbjørn Johannessen, Eivind Svein Strømsøyen og Jan Wikøren. | First page |
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L0004 | Møtebok (d) | 1925 - 1933 | First page |
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L0005 | Møtebok (d) | 1933 - 1938 | First page |
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L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1915 - 1926 | First page |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1926 - 1944 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0001 | Dagbok | 1892 - 1946 | First page |
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L0002 | Dagbok | 1910 - 1932 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll (d) | 1895 - 1915 | First page |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1915 - 1926 | First page |
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll - Loga | 1926 - 1949 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0001 | Dagbok | 1911 - 1950 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1910 - 1931 | First page |
L0001 | Dagbok | 1896 - 1925 | First page |
L0002 | Dagbok | 1925 - 1947 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0001 | Avgangsvitnemålsprotokoll | 1893 - 1899 | First page |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1909 - 1917 | First page |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1923 - 1933 | First page |
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L0003 | Skoleprotokoll | 1893 - 1906 | First page |
L0004 | Skoleprotokoll | 1918 - 1925 | First page |