Your search returned 6328 results.
L0022 | Dagbok for Sæbø skule | 1897 - 1906 | First page |
L0025 | Dagbok for Marås og Titland krinsar | 1902 - 1916 | First page |
L0026 | Dagbok for Nordanger og Vildanger (Risnes) skular | 1879 - 1889 | First page |
L0027 | Dagbok for Nordanger skule | 1892 - 1895 | First page |
L0001 | Skuleprotokoll for Manger middelskule | 1919 - 1923 | First page |
L0001 | Møtebok for Bø leseselskap | 1890 - 1894 | First page |
L0001 | Utlånsprotokoll | 1880 - 1894 | First page |
L0001/0001 | Rekneskap: Rekneskap for Manger sokn leseselskap | 1859 - 1890 | First page |
L0001/0002 | Rekneskap: Rekneskap for Sæbø almuebibliotek | 1895 | First page |
L0001/0003 | Rekneskap: Rekneskap for Bø sognebibliotek | 1897 - 1903 | First page |
L0001 | Møtebok for Manger fattigkommisjon | 1893 - 1900 | First page |
L0002 | Møtebok for Manger fattigstyre | 1901 - 1932 | First page |
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L0003 | Møtebok for Manger forsorgstyre | 1932 - 1963 | First page |
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L0001 | Manntalsprotokoll over understøtta, avdeling I, II og III | 1865 - 1903 | First page |
L0001 | Protokoll over heimstavnsforklaringar | 1929 - 1936 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok for Manger verjeråd | 1901 - 1948 | First page |
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L0001 | Postjournal for Manger krinssjukekasse | 1962 - 1963 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok for Manger arbeidsløysenmend | 1935 - 1962 | First page |
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L0002 | Møtebok for Manger jordstyre | 1936 - 1952 | First page |
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L0003 | Møtebok for Manger jordstyre | 1952 - 1963 | First page |
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L0001 | Postjournal | 1929 - 1940 | First page |
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L0002 | Postjournal | 1940 - 1944 | First page |
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L0003 | Postjournal | 1944 - 1956 | First page |
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L0004/0001 | Postjournalar: Postjournal for Manger jordstyre | 1957 - 1963 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok for Manger tinglags overformynderi | 1872 - 1914 | First page |
L0001 | Dagbok for Manger tinglags overformynderi | 1859 - 1906 | First page |
L0001 | Stor overformyndarrulle | 1855 - 1883 | First page |
L0001 | Mindre rulle | 1857 - 1884 | First page |
L0001/0001 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Bauge | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0002 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Birkeland | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0003 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Dalland | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0004 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Halland | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0005 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Helland | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0006 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Kartveit | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0007 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Kjeset | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0008 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Kolaas | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0009 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Kolstad | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0010 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Lervik | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0011 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Li | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0012 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Manger | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0013 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Mangersnes | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0014 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Mangerøy | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0015 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Morken | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0016 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Myking | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0017 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Nedre Manger | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0018 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Nøttveit | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0019 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Sevdal | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0020 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Solen | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0021 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Sætre | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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L0001/0022 | Husstandsregister 1-328: Husstandsregister Toska | 1943 - 1945 | First page |
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