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Statsarkivet i Trondheim

AV/SAT-A-10867: Oslo byfogd, Handelsregisteret

G: Handelsregister
Gc: Bilag til registreringsmeldinger
Gcb: Slettede foretak
L0943 Bilag, Fid - Fol 1985 First page
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L0944 Bilag, Fon - Forsk 1985 First page
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L0945 Bilag, Forsv - Fru 1985 First page
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L0946 Bilag, Fry - Gp 1985 First page
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L0947 Bilag, Gr - Gus 1985 First page
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L0948 Bilag, Gut - Has 1985 First page
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L0949 Bilag, Hau - He 1985 First page
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L0950 Bilag, Hi - Ic 1985 First page
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L0951 Bilag, Id - Inn 1985 First page
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L0952 Bilag, Ins - Iv 1985 First page
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L0953 Bilag, Ja - Joh 1985 First page
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L0954 Bilag, Joj - Kam 1985 First page
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L0955 Bilag, Kar - Kon 1985 First page
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L0956 Bilag, Kom - Kø 1985 First page
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L0957 Bilag, La - Linde 1985 First page
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L0958 Bilag, Lindh - Marin 1985 First page
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L0959 Bilag, Mariu - Media 1985 First page
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L0960 Bilag, Medic - Mog 1985 First page
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L0961 Bilag, Moh - Nf 1985 First page
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L0962 Bilag, Ni - Nordk 1985 First page
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L0963 Bilag, Nordo - Norq 1985 First page
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L0964 Bilag, Norr - Norske H 1985 First page
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L0965 Bilag, Norsk I - Norsk W 1985 First page
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L0966 Bilag, Norskil - Nø 1985 First page
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L0967 Bilag, Nylands verksted 1985 First page
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L0968 Bilag, Nylands verksted 1985 First page
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L0969 Bilag, Ob - Or 1985 First page
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L0970 Bilag, Os - Pan 1985 First page
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L0971 Bilag, Pap - Pla 1985 First page
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L0972 Bilag, Plo - Rad 1985 First page
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L0973 Bilag, Raf - Re 1985 First page
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L0974 Bilag, Ri - Ru 1985 First page
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L0975 Bilag, Rø - Sana 1985 First page
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L0976 Bilag, Sani - She 1985 First page
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L0977 Bilag, Shi - Ska 1985 First page
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L0978 Bilag, Ski - Skø 1985 First page
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L0979 Bilag, Sl - So 1985 First page
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L0980 Bilag, Sp - Ste 1985 First page
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L0981 Bilag, Sti - Sv 1985 First page
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L0982 Bilag, Sy - Ten 1985 First page
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L0983 Bilag, Ter - To 1985 First page
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L0984 Bilag, Tp - Tro 1985 First page
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L0985 Bilag, Tru - Unis 1985 First page
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L0986 Bilag, Univ - Ver 1985 First page
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L0987 Bilag, Ves - Via 1985 First page
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L0988 Bilag, Vib - W 1985 First page
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L0989 Bilag, Y - Ø 1985 First page
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L0990 Bilag, Aa - Ad 1986 First page
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L0991 Bilag Aardal og Sunndal verk 1986 First page
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L0992 Bilag, Ae - Ah 1986 First page
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