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Statsarkivet i Trondheim

AV/SAT-A-10867: Oslo byfogd, Handelsregisteret

G: Handelsregister
Gc: Bilag til registreringsmeldinger
Gcb: Slettede foretak
L0643 Bilag, Per - Pu 1979 First page
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L0644 Bilag, Q - Rr 1979 First page
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L0645 Bilag, Rt - Sca 1979 First page
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L0646 Bilag, Sch - Sind 1979 First page
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L0647 Bilag, Sins - Sl 1979 First page
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L0648 Bilag, So - Sth 1979 First page
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L0649 Bilag, Sti - Sø 1979 First page
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L0650 Bilag, T - Thon 1979 First page
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L0651 Bilag, Thor - Unite 1979 First page
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L0652 Bilag, Unito - Welg 1979 First page
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L0653 Bilag, Welh - Å 1979 First page
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L0654 Bilag, A - Al 1980 First page
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L0655 Bilag, Am - Ap 1980 First page
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L0656 Bilag, Ar - As 1980 First page
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L0657 Bilag, At - Ben 1980 First page
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L0658 Bilag, Ber - Bok 1980 First page
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L0659 Bilag, Bol - Bu 1980 First page
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L0660 Bilag, By - Chn 1980 First page
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L0661 Bilag, Chr - Da 1980 First page
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L0662 Bilag, De - Det No 1980 First page
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L0663 Bilag, Det Ny - Ec 1980 First page
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L0664 Bilag, Ed - Ele 1980 First page
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L0665 Bilag, Eli - Eri 1980 First page
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L0666 Bilag, Erl - Eå 1980 First page
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L0667 Bilag, F - Fin 1980 First page
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L0668 Bilag, Fir - Forsi 1980 First page
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L0669 Bilag, Forsv - Fy 1980 First page
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L0670 Bilag, G - Gj 1980 First page
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L0671 Bilag, Gl - Gu 1980 First page
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L0672 Bilag, H - Hem 1980 First page
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L0673 Bilag, Hen - Ht 1980 First page
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L0674 Bilag, Hu - Ind 1980 First page
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L0675 Bilag, Inf - Int 1980 First page
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L0676 Bilag, Ir - Joh 1980 First page
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L0677 Bilag, Jok - Kjø 1980 First page
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L0678 Bilag, Kl - Kom 1980 First page
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L0679 Bilag, Kon - La 1980 First page
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L0680 Bilag, Le - Li 1980 First page
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L0681 Bilag, Ln - Man 1980 First page
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L0682 Bilag, Mar - Mob 1980 First page
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L0683 Bilag, Mod - Ni 1980 First page
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L0684 Bilag, Nop - Norse 1980 First page
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L0685 Bilag, Norsk - Norske 1980 First page
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L0686 Bilag, Norski - Oslo B 1980 First page
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L0687 Bilag, Oslo F - Ph 1980 First page
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L0688 Bilag, Pi - Rem 1980 First page
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L0689 Bilag, Rep - San 1980 First page
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L0690 Bilag, Sau - Sc 1980 First page
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L0691 Bilag, Se - Skips G 1980 First page
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L0692 Bilag, Skips K - Sth 1980 First page
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