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Statsarkivet i Trondheim

AV/SAT-A-10867: Oslo byfogd, Handelsregisteret

G: Handelsregister
Gc: Bilag til registreringsmeldinger
Gcb: Slettede foretak
L0543 Bilag, Holm - Ind 1977 First page
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L0544 Bilag, Inf - Iv 1977 First page
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L0545 Bilag, J - Kal 1977 First page
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L0546 Bilag, Kar - Kl 1977 First page
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L0547 Bilag, Kn - Kå 1977 First page
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L0548 Bilag, L - Lk 1977 First page
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L0549 Bilag, Lo - Med 1977 First page
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L0550 Bilag, Mef - Ne 1977 First page
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L0551 Bilag, Nh - Nord 1977 First page
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L0552 Bilag, Norf - Norsk N 1977 First page
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L0553 Bilag, Norsk O - Norske D 1977 First page
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L0554 Bilag, Norske K - Ny 1977 First page
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L0555 Bilag, O - Osl 1977 First page
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L0556 Bilag, Osv - Pe 1977 First page
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L0557 Bilag, Pi - Pr 1977 First page
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L0558 Bilag, Pu - Røas 1977 First page
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L0559 Bilag, Røat - Sca 1977 First page
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L0560 Bilag, Sch - Ska 1977 First page
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L0561 Bilag, Ski - Sor 1977 First page
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L0562 Bilag, Sou - Sun 1977 First page
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L0563 Bilag, Sup - Thel 1977 First page
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L0564 Bilag, Then - Tof 1977 First page
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L0565 Bilag, Tol - Tro 1977 First page
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L0566 Bilag, Try - U 1977 First page
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L0567 Bilag, V - Westa 1977 First page
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L0568 Bilag, Westi - Å 1977 First page
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L0569 Bilag, A - And 1978 First page
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L0570 Bilag, Ang - Ass 1978 First page
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L0571 Bilag, Ast - Av 1978 First page
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L0572 Bilag, B - Bja 1978 First page
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L0573 Bilag, Bje - Bral 1978 First page
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L0574 Bilag, Bram - Bæ 1978 First page
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L0575 Bilag, C - Cr 1978 First page
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L0576 Bilag, D - Dok 1978 First page
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L0577 Bilag, Dov - Eq 1978 First page
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L0578 Bilag, Er - Fil 1978 First page
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L0579 Bilag, Fin - Fredo 1978 First page
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L0580 Bilag, Fredu - Ga 1978 First page
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L0581 Bilag, Ge - Gr 1978 First page
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L0582 Bilag, Gu - Hanc 1978 First page
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L0583 Bilag, Hand - Herr 1978 First page
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L0584 Bilag, Hert - Hur 1978 First page
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L0585 Bilag, Hus - Imp 1978 First page
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L0586 Bilag, Ims - Ink 1978 First page
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L0587 Bilag, Int - Jensen G 1978 First page
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L0588 Bilag, Jensen R - Ka 1978 First page
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L0589 Bilag, Ke - Komb 1978 First page
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L0590 Bilag, Komm - Kå 1978 First page
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L0591 Bilag, L - Mal 1978 First page
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L0592 Bilag, Man - Mo 1978 First page
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