Your search returned 19961 results. Showing the first 10000 results. Adjust search criteria to reduce the number of results.
L0027 | Knudsen, L. - Kristiansen, Emil | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0028 | Kristiansen, Emilie - Kvalø | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0029 | Kvam - Langø, K. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0030 | Langø, M. - Laup, M. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Første kort: Langø, O | First page |
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L0031 | Laup, S. - Lillebakk | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Siste kort: Lillegraven | First page |
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L0032 | Lillegaard - Lund, Marie | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0033 | Lund, Marit - Løvold, K. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0034 | Løvold, J. - Melgaard, I. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0035 | Melgaard, P. - Moen, M. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0036 | Moen, N. - Myhren | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Siste kort: Myhren, An | First page |
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L0037 | Myhrunn - Nilsen, F. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Første kort: Myhren, Ar | First page |
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L0038 | Nilsen, S. - No | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Første kort: Nilsen, B | First page |
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L0039 | Nu - Olsen, E. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Første kort: Odda, siste kort: Nøst | First page |
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L0040 | Olsen, I. - Ophaug, A. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Olsen, A - Ophaug, A. Rotete sortering. | First page |
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L0041 | Ophaug, B. - Pedersen, G. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0042 | Pedersen, H. - Pettersen, N. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0043 | Petersen, O. - Rein, O. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0044 | Rein, N. - Rognerust | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0045 | Rognes - Siem | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0046 | Siegel - Skogseth, A. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0047 | Skogseth, O. - Solem, Anna | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0048 | Solem, Anton - Steen | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0049 | Stene - Strandberg | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0050 | Strande - Sus | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0051 | Sut - Sæther, W. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Første kort: Sva | First page |
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L0052 | Sæther, Aa. - Tel | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0053 | Til - Tr | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0054 | Tho - Ulv | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0055 | Ulva - Wiggen, B. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0056 | Wiggen, D. - Wi | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Siste kort: Vanvikmyr | First page |
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L0057 | Waagø - Wingan, M. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0058 | Wingan, R. - Wo | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0059 | Aas - Øyaas, Ole | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | First page |
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L0060 | Øyaas, Olga - Å | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1979 | Siste kort: Vaagø | First page |
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L0001 | A - Ap | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0002 | Ar - Bak | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0003 | Bal - Be | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0004 | Bi - Brek | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0005 | Brem - C | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0006 | D | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0007 | E - Eng | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | Siste kort: Erga | First page |
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L0008 | Eri - Fje | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0009 | Fjo - Få | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0010 | G - Gry | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0011 | Grø - Halvik | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0012 | Halvorsen - Har | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0013 | Has - Hel | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0014 | Helm - Hols | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | Siste kort: Hoelsæther | First page |
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L0015 | Holt - Hån | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0016 | Håp - Jensen, J. | 01.11.1917 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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