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Statsarkivet i Trondheim

AV/SAT-A-4430: Stjørdal folkeregister

3: Avlevering 2023
D: Navneregister
Da: Navnekort pr. 31.12.1994
L0003 Menn: De - Forb 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0004 Menn: Ford - Hak 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0005 Menn: Hal - Hof 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0006 Menn: Hog - John 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0007 Menn: Ju - Kå 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0008 Menn: La - Mj 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0009 Menn: Mo - Nys 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0010 Menn: Nyt - Ru 1946 - 1994 Siste kort: Rw First page
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L0011 Menn: Ry - Ske 1946 - 1994 Siste kort: Skj First page
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L0012 Menn: Sk - Sto 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0013 Menn: Str - Tv 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0014 Menn: Ty - Won 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0015 Menn: Vor - Å 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0016A Kvinner: A - Be 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0016B Kvinner: Berg - Bid 1946 - 1994 Siste kort: Bro First page
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L0017 Kvinner: Bru - Ek 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0018 Kvinner: El - Fos 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0019 Kvinner: Fr - Hal 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0020 Kvinner: Ham - Hj 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0021 Kvinner: Ho - Iv 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0022 Kvinner: Ja - Kla 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0023 Kvinner: Kle - La 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0024 Kvinner: Lar - Mc 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0025 Kvinner: Me - Ng 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0026 Kvinner: Ni - Ra 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0027 Kvinner: Ras - Røv 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0028 Kvinner: Rå - Skje 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0029 Kvinner: Skjer - Sti 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0030 Kvinner: Stok - Sø 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0031 Kvinner: Sørl-Vel 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0032 Kvinner: Ven - Ør 1946 - 1994 First page
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L0033 Kvinner: Øs - Åsv 1946 - 1994 First page
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3: Avlevering 2023
F: Avgangsregister
Fa: Adopsjoner
L0001 Adopsjonsrelaterte navne- og registerkort 1989 - 2009 First page
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AV/SAT-A-4431: Meråker folkeregister

1: Første avlevering
F: Hovedregisterkort
L0001 Utflyttede/døde, A - L 1946 - 1955 First page
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L0002 Utflyttede/døde, M - Å 1946 - 1955 First page
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L0003 Utflyttede/døde, A - N 1956 - 1960 First page
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L0004 Utflyttede/døde, O - Å 1956 - 1960 First page
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L0005 Utvandret/døde, A - Å 1961 - 1973 First page
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L0006/0001 Utvandret/Døde/adopsjon: Døde 1973 - 1979 First page
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L0006/0002 Utvandret/Døde/adopsjon: Utvandret 1974 - 1979 First page
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L0006/0003 Utvandret/Døde/adopsjon: Adopsjoner 1947 - 1977 First page
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L0007 Hovedregisterkort, A - Bra 1970 First page
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L0008 Hovedregisterkort, Bre - E 1970 First page
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L0009 Hovedregisterkort, F - Ha 1970 First page
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L0010 Hovedregisterkort, He - Hu 1970 First page
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L0011 Hovedregisterkort, Hu - J 1970 First page
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L0012 Hovedregisterkort, Ka - Kro 1970 First page
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L0013 Hovedregisterkort, Krå - Lo 1970 First page
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L0014 Hovedregisterkort, Lu - Me 1970 First page
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L0015 Hovedregisterkort, Me - N 1970 First page
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