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L0309 | Hovedregisterkort, Mildevegen 147 - Mitzellsmauet | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0310 | Hovedregisterkort, Mjeldheimskleiva - Mollbakken | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0311 | Hovedregisterkort, Mollesmauet - Monrad Mjeldes vei | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0312 | Hovedregisterkort, Mons Slettens vei - Morvikbotn 203 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0313 | Hovedregisterkort, Morvikbotn 205-387b | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0314 | Hovedregisterkort, Morvikbrekkane - Morvikvegen 3-58c | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0315 | Hovedregisterkort, Morvikvegen 59 - Mosebakken | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0316 | Hovedregisterkort, Mulebakken - Muséplassen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0317 | Hovedregisterkort, Myntevikvegen - Myrdalsskogen 9 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0318 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 10-24 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0319 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 25-42 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0320 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 43-143 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0321 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 145-251 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0322 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 252-342 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0323 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 343-459 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0324 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrdalsskogen 461 - Myrholtet 105 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0325 | Hovedregisterkort, Myrholtet 107 - Møllergården | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0326 | Hovedregisterkort, Møllevegen - Mårdalen 37 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0327 | Hovedregisterkort, Mårdalen 39 - Nattlandsfjellet 44 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0328 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsfjellet 46-123 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0329 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsfjellet 125 - Nattlandsrinden 50 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0330 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsrinden 52 - Nattlandveien 25 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0331 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsveien 27-68 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0332 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsveien 70-96a | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0333 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsveien 96b - Nattlandsåsen 20 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0334 | Hovedregisterkort, Nattlandsåsen 20a - Nebbestølen 29 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0335 | Hovedregisterkort, Nebbestølen 31-75 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0336 | Hovedregisterkort, Nebbestølen 76 - Nebbeveien 29 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0337 | Hovedregisterkort, Nebbeveien 31 - Nedbergvegen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0338 | Hovedregisterkort, Nedre Banesmau - Nedre Lønborg | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0339 | Hovedregisterkort, Nedre Prestavegen - Nedre Smøråsflaten | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0340 | Hovedregisterkort, Nedre Smøråsvegen - Nedre Stølen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0341 | Hovedregisterkort, Nedre Ulsetskogen - Nedre Åstveit | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0342 | Hovedregisterkort, Nedrelia - Nesbakken | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0343 | Hovedregisterkort, Neset - Nesttunbrekka 35 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0344 | Hovedregisterkort, Nesttunbrekka 66 - Nesttunvegen 57 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0345 | Hovedregisterkort, Nesttunvegen 59 - Nikolaikirkeallmenning | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0346 | Hovedregisterkort, Nikolaismauet - Nils Langhelles vei 76 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0347 | Hovedregisterkort, Nils Langhelles vei 78 - Nipedalen 104 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0348 | Hovedregisterkort, Nipedalen 105-295 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0349 | Hovedregisterkort, Nipedalen 297 - Nordahl Griegs veg | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0350 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordahl Roflsens vei 1-30c | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0351 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordahl Rolfsens vei 31a - Nordeidevegen 23 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0352 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordeidevegen 24 - Nordeideåsen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0353 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordgardsleitet - Nordlia | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0354 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordnesbakken - Nordre Brurås | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0355 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordre Drotningsvik - Nordre Kleivesmau | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0356 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordre Langarrinden - Nordre Otervei | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0357 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordre Ravnedalen - Nordre Skogvei | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0358 | Hovedregisterkort, Nordre Skuteviksvei - Nordre Toppe 29 | Until 1991 | First page |
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