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L0182 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort, Øren - Øye | 1970 - 1979 | First page |
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L0001 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Åberg - Bertelsen | 1980 | First page |
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L0002 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Bessesen - Eikås | 1980 | First page |
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L0003 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Eikanger - Gaupås | 1980 | First page |
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L0004 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Gausereide - Haugseng | 1980 | First page |
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L0005 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Haugstvedt - Hundhammer | 1980 | First page |
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L0006 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Hundsnes - Karlsen | 1980 | First page |
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L0007 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Karlsen, Roy Martin - Kvaale | 1980 | First page |
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L0008 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Laastad - Matland | 1980 | First page |
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L0009 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Matre - Nydal | 1980 | First page |
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L0010 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Nydal, Tor Ragnvald - Rolfsnes | 1980 | First page |
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L0011 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Rolland - Steen | 1980 | First page |
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L0012 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Stein - Thomsen | 1980 | First page |
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L0013 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1980, Totland - Åshamar | 1980 | First page |
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L0014 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Aaberg - Bjarkøy | 1981 | First page |
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L0015 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Bjelland - Eliassen | 1981 | First page |
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L0016 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Ellefsen - Guldbrandsen | 1981 | First page |
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L0017 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Gulbrandsen - Hestnes | 1981 | First page |
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L0018 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Hestnes, Cecelia - Johannessen | 1981 | First page |
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L0019 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Johannsen, Ulla Marie - Kyrkjebø | 1981 | First page |
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L0020 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Lampe - Mjøs | 1981 | First page |
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L0021 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Moberg - Oen | 1981 | First page |
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L0022 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Ofstad - Rotler | 1981 | First page |
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L0023 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Ruud - Stamneshagen | 1981 | First page |
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L0024 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Stamneshagen, Rigmor - Tolleshaug | 1981 | First page |
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L0025 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1981, Thommasen - Øvsthus | 1981 | First page |
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L0026 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Aaberg - Bernhardt | 1982 | First page |
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L0027 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Berntzen - Eknæs | 1982 | First page |
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L0028 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Ellingsen - Haagensen | 1982 | First page |
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L0029 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Haaland - Hella | 1982 | First page |
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L0030 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Helland - Johannessen | 1982 | First page |
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L0031 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Johannessen, Eli - Kårtveit | 1982 | First page |
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L0032 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Låstad - Minne | 1982 | First page |
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L0033 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Misje - Oksholm | 1982 | First page |
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L0034 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Olaussen - Rundhovde | 1982 | First page |
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L0035 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Runningen - Straume | 1982 | First page |
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L0036 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Strømme - Tveitnes | 1982 | First page |
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L0037 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1982, Tveito - Aarsnes | 1982 | First page |
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L0038 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Adland - Bruland | 1983 | First page |
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L0039 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Brun - Fonn | 1983 | First page |
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L0040 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Fonnes - Haukeland | 1983 | First page |
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L0041 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Haukås - Jensen | 1983 | First page |
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L0042 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Jenssen, Nina - Christensen | 1983 | First page |
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L0043 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Kristiansen - Mehuns | 1983 | First page |
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L0044 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Meyer - Nybruket | 1983 | First page |
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L0045 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Nybøe - Selvik | 1983 | First page |
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L0046 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Selvik, Gunn Helen - Sørlie | 1983 | First page |
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L0047 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1983, Søvik - Øyen | 1983 | First page |
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L0048 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1984, Aadland - Burkeland | 1984 | First page |
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L0049 | Omskrevne hovedregisterkort 1984, Bøe - Framholdt | 1984 | First page |
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