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L0409 | Hovedregisterkort, Rollandslia 79-132 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0410 | Hovedregisterkort, Rollandslia 133-221 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0411 | Hovedregisterkort, Rollandslia 222 - Rosenbergsgaten | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0412 | Hovedregisterkort, Rosenkrantzgaten - Rotthaugsgaten | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0413 | Hovedregisterkort, Rotvollen - Rugdeveien 44 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0414 | Hovedregisterkort, Rummelhofsmauet - Sageneset 22h | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0415 | Hovedregisterkort, Sageneset 22j - Saksarhaugen 125 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0416 | Hovedregisterkort, Saksarlia 1-159 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0417 | Hovedregisterkort, Salhussvingen - Salhusvegen 202 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0418 | Hovedregisterkort, Salhusvegen 203 - Sanbrekkevegen 75 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0419 | Hovedregisterkort, Sanbrekkevegen 75a - Sandalskollen 114 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0420 | Hovedregisterkort, Sandalsringen - Sandeidbrotet | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0421 | Hovedregisterkort, Sandslihaugen - Sandslikroken 76 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0422 | Hovedregisterkort, Sandslikroken 78 - Sandslimarka 169 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0423 | Hovedregisterkort, Sandslimarka 171 - Sandven Hageby | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0424 | Hovedregisterkort, Sandvikens Torggate - Sandviksveien 87d | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0425 | Hovedregisterkort, Sandviksveien 95 - Saudalen 105 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0426 | Hovedregisterkort, Saudalen 106 - Saudalskleivane 73 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0427 | Hovedregisterkort, Saudalskleivane 74 - Schweigårds vei 34c | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0428 | Hovedregisterkort, Schweigårds vei 35 - Seimsleitet | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0429 | Hovedregisterkort, Seimslia - Seljesvingen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0430 | Hovedregisterkort, Selvikvegen - Sigurds gate | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0431 | Hovedregisterkort, Sikthaugen - Sikthaugen terrasse 29 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0432 | Hovedregisterkort, Sikthaugen terrasse 30 - Sildaberget | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0433 | Hovedregisterkort, Siljustølsvegen - Sjøkrigsskolen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0434 | Hovedregisterkort, Sjøvegen - Skagevegen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0435 | Hovedregisterkort, Skagevegen 60 - Skanselien 25 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0436 | Hovedregisterkort, Skanselien 27 - Skarefjellet | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0437 | Hovedregisterkort, Skarehaugene - Skeielia | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0438 | Hovedregisterkort, Skeievegen - Skivebakken 30 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0439 | Hovedregisterkort, Skivebakken 31 - Skjenlia 22e | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0440 | Hovedregisterkort, Skjenlia 23-95 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0441 | Hovedregisterkort, Skjenlia 100a - Skjoldhøgda 69 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0442 | Hovedregisterkort, Skjoldhøgda 70 - Skjoldlia 18 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0443 | Hovedregisterkort, Skjoldlia 20 - Skjoldvegen 52 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0444 | Hovedregisterkort, Skjoldvegen 55 - Skoltehaugen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0445 | Hovedregisterkort, Skomvær vei - Skraneflaten | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0446 | Hovedregisterkort, Skranelia - Skranevegen 95 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0447 | Hovedregisterkort, Skrenten - Skuteviksveien 29 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0448 | Hovedregisterkort, Skuteviksveien 30 - Skytterveien 31 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0449 | Hovedregisterkort, Skytterveien 33 - Skålevikveien | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0450 | Hovedregisterkort, Sleipners veg - Slettebakksveien 50 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0451 | Hovedregisterkort, Slettebakksveien 52a - Sletteneset | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0452 | Hovedregisterkort, Slettenvegen - Slettevikvegen | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0453 | Hovedregisterkort, Sliberget - Smedvikneset | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0454 | Hovedregisterkort, Smøråslia - Smøråsvegen 75 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0455 | Hovedregisterkort, Smøråsvegen 75b - Sofus Madsens vei | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0456 | Hovedregisterkort, Solbakken - Solhaugveien | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0457 | Hovedregisterkort, Solheims Tverrgate - Solheimsgaten 66 | Until 1991 | First page |
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L0458 | Hovedregisterkort, Solheimsgaten 72 - Solheimslien 46 | Until 1991 | First page |
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