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L0003 | Døde | 1969 - 1997 | First page |
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L0001 | Namnekort kvinner A-K | 1946 - 2002 | First page |
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L0002 | Namnekort kvinner L-S | 1946 - 2002 | First page |
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L0003 | Namnekort kvinner T-Å, menn A-Hen | 1946 - 2002 | First page |
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L0004 | Namnekort menn Her-O | 1946 - 2002 | First page |
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L0005 | Namnekort menn P-Å | 1946 - 2002 | First page |
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L0001 | Omskrivne hovudregisterkort gnr. 1-18/6 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0002 | Omskrivne hovudregisterkort gnr. 18/7-47 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0003 | Omskrivne hovudregisterkort gnr. 48-65 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Hovudregisterkort, Utvær gnr. 1, bnr. 1 - Tangenes gnr. 17, bnr. 4 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0002 | Hovudregisterkort, Ytrøy gnr. 18, bnr. 1 - Brattelia Hardbakke gnr. 26, bnr. 3, feste 30, tomtenr. 13 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0003 | Hovudregisterkort, Brattelia Hardbakke gnr. 26, bnr. 3, festenr. 31 - Gylta gnr. 37, bnr. 13 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0004 | Hovudregisterkort, Hagen gnr. 38, bnr. 1 - Hersvik gnr. 55, bnr. 43 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0005 | Hovudregisterkort, Kråkenes gnr. 56, bnr. 1 - Losna gnr. 65, bnr. 6 | 1946 - 1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Melding om fødsel 1996-2002, erkjenning av farskap 1996-2002 | 1996 - 2002 | First page |
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L0001 | Adopsjonar | 1946 - 2002 | First page |
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L0001 | Kvartalsoppgåver fødde, vigde, døde | 1946 - 1956 | First page |
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L0002 | Kvartalsopgåver fødde, vigde, døde 1957-1964, meldingar om fødde 1982 | 1957 - 1982 | First page |
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L0001 | Utflytta, alfabetisk år for år | 1947 - 1952 | First page |
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L0002 | Utflytta, alfabetisk år for år | 1953 - 1955 | First page |
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L0003 | Utflytta | 1960 - 1962 | First page |
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L0004 | Utflytta | 1963 | First page |
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L0005 | Utflytta | 1964 - 1965 | First page |
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L0006 | Utflytta | 1966 - 1967 | First page |
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L0007 | Utflytta | 1967 - 1968 | First page |
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L0008 | Utflytte 1969, utvandra 1970-1994, flytting frå utlandet 1996 | 1969 - 1996 | First page |
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L0001 | Melding om mellombels opphald | 1951 - 1960 | First page |
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L0002 | Av- og tilgangsbok | 1956 - 1957 | First page |
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L0003 | Flyttevarsel, flyttemeldingar og kvartalsmeldingar frå presten | 1957 - 1959 | First page |
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L0001 | Døde | 1946 - 1959 | First page |
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L0002 | Døde | 1960 - 1965 | First page |
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L0003 | Døde | 1966 - 1968 | First page |
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L0004 | Døde | 1969 - 1970 | First page |
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L0005 | Døde | 1971 - 1973 | First page |
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L0006 | Døde | 1974 - 1979 | First page |
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L0007 | Døde | 1980 - 1985 | First page |
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L0008 | Døde | 1986 - 1991 | First page |
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L0009 | Døde 1992-1994, dødfødde 1983,1989 | 1983 - 1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Namnekort menn A - E | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0002 | Namnekort menn F - Hi | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0003 | Namnekort menn Hj - L | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0004 | Namnekort menn M - Sande | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0005 | Namnekort menn Sandn - Tje | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0006 | Namnekort menn Tju - Å, kvinner A - Bergm | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0007 | Namnekort kvinner Bergs - Fan | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0008 | Namnekort kvinner Far - Hauge | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0009 | Namnekort kvinner Haugl - K | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0010 | Namnekort kvinner L - Ne | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0011 | Namnekort kvinner Ni - Skre | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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L0012 | Namnekort kvinner Skri - Tj | 1946 - 1996 | First page |
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