Your search returned 1376 results.
L0012 | Møtebok II - Hetland | 1913 - 1914 | First page |
L0013 | Møtebok - Hetland | 1914 - 1920 | First page |
L0014 | Møtebok - Hetland | 1920 - 1922 | First page |
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L0015 | Møtebok | 1957 - 1965 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Møtebok | 1922 - 1938 | First page | Content |
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L0002 | Møtebok | 1938 - 1951 | First page | Content |
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L0003 | Møtebok - fra 1957 bare kommunestyret | 1952 - 1965 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Register for møtebok - Formannskapet og kommunestyret | 1922 - 1938 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Skoleprotokoll - Harestad,Håland | 1876 - 1891 | Skolekretser: Harestad, Håland | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll - Harestad, Håland | 1892 - 1897 | Skolekretser: Harestad, Håland | First page | Content |
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll - Harestad, Foren | 1902 - 1913 | Skolekretser: Harestad, Foren | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1850 - 1884 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Møtebok | 1884 - 1903 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 1912 - 1925 | First page | Content |
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L0004 | Møtebok | 1925 - 1935 | First page | Content |
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L0005 | Møtebok | 1935 - 1946 | First page | Content |
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L0006 | Møtebok | 1946 - 1951 | First page | Content |
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L0007 | Møtebok | 1951 - 1957 | First page | Content |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 1957 - 1961 | First page | Content |
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L0009 | Møtebok | 1962 - 1965 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Kopibok | 1912 - 1927 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Journal | 1896 - 1911 | First page | Content |
L0001/0001 | Nordre distrikt og Bjerkreim sokn: Omgangsskoleholdet for nordre skuledistrikt | 1824 | First page | Content |
L0001/0003 | Nordre distrikt og Bjerkreim sokn: Skuleprotokoll for Bjerkreim sokn | 1862 - 1892 | Skolekretser: Ivesdal , Veen, Birkeland, Espeland, Maudal, Vikeså | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skolejournal for vestre skuledistrikt | 1858 - 1894 | Skolekretser: Laksesvela, Tengesdal, Ekeland | First page | Content |
L0003 | Dagbok - nordre distrikt | 1831 - 1858 | First page | Content |
L0005 | Skuleprotokoll | 1862 - 1882 | First page | Content |
L0006 | Skuleprotokoll | 1884 - 1898 | Skolekretser: Løvbrekke, Ørsdal, Brattebø | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skuleprotokoll | 1894 - 1918 | Skolekretser: Bue, Birkeland, Røysland | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skuleprotokoll | 1874 - 1903 | Birkrems skolekrets, Birkrems faste skole | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skuleprotokoll | 1886 - 1895 | Birkrem sogn - Birkrems faste kretsskole | First page | Content |
L0003 | Skuleprotokoll | 1897 - 1916 | Bjerkreim folkeskole | First page | Content |
L0002 | 1893 - 1912 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1878 - 1893 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 1912 - 1922 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Møtebok | 1922 - 1934 | First page | Content |
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L0005 | Møtebok | 1934 - 1947 | First page | Content |
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L0006 | Vedtaksbok - ordføreren | 1941 - 1945 | First page | Content |
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L0007 | Møtebok - Kommunestyret/Heradstyret 1947-1956 | 1947 - 1956 | First page | Content |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 1951 - 1960 | First page | Content |
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L0009 | Møtebok | 1960 - 1969 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Møtebok - kommunevalg 58/59 | 1956 - 1961 | First page | Content |
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L0002 | Møtebok - kommunevalg 60/63 | 1961 - 1965 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Register til formannskapsprotokoller | 1893 - 1937 | First page | Content |
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L0002 | Register til formannskapsprotokoller | 1940 - 1946 | First page | Content |
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L0003 | Register til formannskapsprotokoller | 1948 - 1956 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Skoleprotokoll - Dirdal og Birkedal m/inventarlister | 1895 - 1924 | First page | Content |