Your search returned 1376 results.
L0014 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1952 | First page |
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L0015 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1953 | First page |
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L0016 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1954 | First page |
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L0017 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1955 | First page |
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L0018 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1956 | First page |
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L0019 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1957 | First page |
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L0020 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1957 - 1958 | First page |
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L0022 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1960 | First page |
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L0023 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1961 | First page |
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L0024 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1962 | First page |
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L0025 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1963 | First page |
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L0026 | Bystyreforhandlinger | 1964 | First page |
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L0001 | Register | 1900 - 1907 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Register | 1908 - 1917 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Registre over saker behandlet i bystyret | 1905 - 1927 | First page | Content |
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L0002 | Kommunale styrer, utvalg og nemnder | 1902 - 1912 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Faste kommunale komiteer, utvalg og nemnder | 1926 - 1946 | First page | Content |
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L0005 | Oppnevnte kommunale komiteer, utvalg og nemnder | 1941 - 1945 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Spesialkomiteer oppnevnt av formannskapet | 1855 - 1929 | First page | Content |
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L0004 | Komiteer og styrer utenom de i historikken | 1855 - 1929 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Skoleprotokoll for Bjørheimsbygd,Lekvam og Hidle krets | 1873 - 1884 | Skolekretser: Bjørheimsbygd, Lekvam, Hidle | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll for Bjørheimsbygd og Lekvam krets | 1891 - 1907 | Skolekretser: Bjørheimsbygd, Lekvam | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll for Kyrkjebygda krins | 1884 - 1896 | Skolekretser: Kyrkjebygda, Haug, Seljeskog, Heien | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll for Krogevoll,Fiskå, Amdal og Vatland krets | 1874 - 1891 | Skolekretser: Krogevoll, Fiskå, Amdal, Vatland | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll for Fiskå, Heien, Jøssang, Sørbygda og Fjelde krets | 1888 - 1900 | Skolekretser: Fiskå, Heien, Jøssang, Sørbygda, Fjeld | First page | Content |
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll for Fiskå krets | 1892 - 1903 | Skolekretser: Fiskå | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll for skolekretsene Hidle, Heng, Jøssang, og Heien | 1864 - 1891 | Skolekretser: Hidle, Heng, Jøssang, Heien | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll for Vatland, Helle, Heng | 1892 - 1901 | Skolekretser: Vatland, Helle, Heng | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll for Vatland | 1903 - 1913 | Skolekrets: Vatland | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1837 - 1868 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Møtebok | 1888 - 1908 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 1908 - 1924 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Møtebok | 1925 - 1934 | First page | Content |
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L0005 | Møtebok | 1934 - 1940 | First page | Content |
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L0006 | Møtebok | 1940 - 1947 | First page | Content |
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L0007 | Møtebok | 1947 - 1951 | First page | Content |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 1951 - 1955 | First page | Content |
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L0009 | Møtebok | 1955 - 1959 | First page | Content |
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L0010 | Møtebok | 1959 - 1964 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Møtebok | 1956 - 1963 | First page | Content |
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L0002 | Møtebok | 1963 - 1964 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Vedtakbok for ordførereren | 1941 - 1945 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Eksamen | 1845 - 1852 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Eksamen | 1864 - 1883 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1861 - 1896 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll 1-3.kl. | 1897 - 1918 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll - Ferkingstad distrikt | 1842 - 1851 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll 1.-6. kl. | 1903 - 1910 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll 2.-7. kl. | 1911 - 1924 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Fotoalbum | 1983 - 1988 | First page |
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