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Arkivsenter Sør

ARKSOR/1032LG510: Lyngdal kommune - Skolestyret

G: Eksamensprotokoller
L0002 Eksamensprotokoll 1856 - 1862 First page
L0004 Eksamensprotokoll 1887 - 1889 First page
L0005 Eksamensprotokoll 1940 - 1960 First page
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I: Dagbøker
L0002 Dagbok 1869 - 1889 First page

ARKSOR/1032LG510: Lyngdal kommune - Skolestyret

G: Eksamensprotokoller
L0003 Eksamensprotokoll 1867 - 1870 First page

ARKSOR/1032LG521: Lyngdal kommune - Eksamensnemnda

G: Eksamensprotokoller
L0001 Eksamensprotokoll 1931 - 1953 First page
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ARKSOR/1032LG550: Lyngdal kommune - Å Skolekrets

H: Skoleprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll kretsene Nakkestad, Ås, Ballestad og Belland (d) 1877 - 1884 First page
L0004 Skoleprotokoll kretsene Nakkestad, Ås og Ballestad (d) 1885 - 1893 First page

ARKSOR/1032LG550: Lyngdal kommune - Å Skolekrets

I: Dagbøker
L0002 Dagbok 1892 - 1914 First page
L0003 Dagbok 1925 - 1946 First page
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L0005 Dagbok 1946 - 1979 First page
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L0006 Dagbok 1959 - 1967 First page
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L0007 Dagbok 1959 - 1975 First page
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L0008 Dagbok 1966 - 1974 First page
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L0009 Dagbok 1966 - 1974 First page
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L0010 Dagbok 1966 - 1974 First page
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L0011 Dagbok 1966 - 1974 First page
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L0012 Dagbok 1972 - 1973 First page
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ARKSOR/1032LG551: Lyngdal kommune - Berge Skolekrets

H: Skoleprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll 1892 - 1905 First page
L0002 Skoleprotokoll 1898 - 1909 First page
L0003 Skoleprotokoll 1901 - 1907 First page
L0004 Skoleprotokoll 1907 - 1921 First page
L0006 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1922 - 1929 First page
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L0007 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1940 - 1968 Mangler skannet bakre innerperm og ytterperm bakside. First page
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ARKSOR/1032LG551: Lyngdal kommune - Berge Skolekrets

I: Dagbøker
L0002 Dagbok 1883 - 1904 First page
L0003 Dagbok 1890 - 1960 First page
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L0004 Dagbok 1904 - 1918 First page
L0005 Dagbok 1914 - 1950 First page
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L0006 Dagbok 1917 - 1940 First page
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L0009 Dagbok 1952 - 1971 First page
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L0010 Dagbok 1954 - 1971 First page
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L0013 Dagbok 1964 - 1971 First page
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L0014 Dagbok 1964 - 1971 First page
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L0015 Dagbok 1966 - 1971 First page
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L0016 Dagbok 1966 - 1971 First page
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L0017 Dagbok 1967 - 1971 First page
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L0018 Dagbok 1970 - 1971 First page
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ARKSOR/1032LG552: Lyngdal kommune - Hårekstad Skolekrets

H: Skoleprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll 1863 - 1882 First page
L0002 Skoleprotokoll 1878 - 1884 First page
L0004 Skoleprotokoll 1902 - 1921 First page

ARKSOR/1032LG553: Lyngdal kommune - Tjomsland Skolekrets

H: Skoleprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1863 - 1882 First page
L0002 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1869 - 1886 First page
L0003 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1886 - 1912 First page
L0004 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1912 - 1922 First page
L0005 Skoleprotokoll 1922 - 1941 First page
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L0006 Skoleprotokoll (d) 1941 - 1966 First page
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ARKSOR/1032LG553: Lyngdal kommune - Tjomsland Skolekrets

I: Dagbøker
L0002 Dagbok 1902 - 1918 First page
L0004 Dagbok 1954 - 1966 First page
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ARKSOR/1032LG554: Lyngdal kommune - Bjodland Skolekrets

H: Skoleprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll 1863 - 1882 First page
L0002 Skoleprotokoll 1883 - 1902 First page