Your search returned 148716 results. Showing the first 10000 results. Adjust search criteria to reduce the number of results.
L0002 | Dagbok | 1887 - 1895 | First page |
L0003 | Dagbok | 1896 - 1913 | First page |
L0004 | Dagbok | 1908 - 1926 | First page |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1892 - 1910 | First page |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1911 - 1952 | First page |
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L0001 | Dagbok | 1916 - 1936 | First page |
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L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1906 - 1939 | First page |
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L0001 | Dagbok | 1847 - 1866 | First page |
L0005 | Forhandlingsbok for Eidsvåg kreds (d) | 1918 - 1961 | First page |
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L0006 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Lunde stemmekrets (d) | 1909 - 1989 | First page |
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L0007 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Vanse/Borhaug | 1912 - 1989 | First page |
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L0008 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Vanse/Nordbygden (d) | 1912 - 1989 | First page |
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L0009 | Valgprotokoll - Vanse | 1912 - 1989 | First page |
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L0010 | Møtebok | 1933 - 1963 | First page |
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L0011 | Forhandlingsbok - Huskestad (d) | 1912 - 1989 | First page |
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L0004 | Forhåndsstemmer (d) | 1933 - 1961 | First page |
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L0005 | Møtebok Aamdal skolekrets, kommunevalg (d) | 1925 - 1987 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0006 | Protokoll for Lunde skolekrets, kommunevalg (d) | 1925 - 1995 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0007 | Møtebok - Borhaug (d) | 1910 - 1995 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0008 | Møtebok - Hoskuldsnes (d) | 1910 - 1983 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0009 | Møtebok - Heskestad (d) | 1910 - 1987 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0010 | Møtebok - Nordbygden og Ore (d) | 1910 - 1983 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
L0011 | Møtebok - Ore (d) | 1921 - 1989 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0012 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Eitland skolekrets (d) | 1921 - 1957 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
L0013 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Hananger (d) | 1921 - 1989 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0014 | Valgprotokoll - Vanse/Ore (d) | 1925 - 1995 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0015 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Vanse (d) | 1957 - 1989 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page |
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L0016 | Møtebok - Vanse/Kjørrefjord (d) | 1925 - 1987 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page | Content |
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L0017 | Forhandlingsbok | 1921 - 1989 | First page |
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L0018 | Forhandlingsprotokoll | 1925 - 1987 | First page |
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L0019 | Forhandlingsprotokoll | 1925 - 1987 | First page |
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L0020 | Forhandlingsprotokoll | 1921 - 1989 | First page |
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L0023 | Møtebok | 1945 - 1995 | First page |
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L0024 | Forhandlingsprotokoll | 1921 - 1989 | First page |
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L0026 | Møtebok Aamdal skolekrets, stortingsvalg (d) | 1921 - 1989 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page | Content |
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L0027 | Forhandlingsprotokoll - Tveit skolekrets (d) | 1921 - 1957 | Protokollen har vannskader. | First page | Content |
L0024 | Manntall - kommunevalg (d) | 1964 | First page |
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L0010 | Manntall - Stortingsvalg (d) | 1933 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok (d) | 1873 - 1886 | First page |
L0002 | Møtebok (d) | 1886 - 1896 | First page |
L0003 | Møtebok (d) | 01.01.1896 - 01.01.1903 | First page |
L0004 | Møtebok (d) | 1903 - 1911 | First page |
L0005 | Møtebok (d) | 1911 - 1916 | First page |
L0006 | Møtebok (d) | 1916 - 1921 | First page |
L0008 | Møtebok (d) | 1921 - 1925 | Kilden er skannet av frivillige fra Slekt og data Vest-Agder : Hugo Larsen, Gunnar Ole Gundersen, Agnar Merkesnes, Thorbjørn Johannessen, Eivind Svein Strømsøyen og Jan Wikøren. | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Forhandlingsprotokoll | 1892 - 1974 | First page |
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L0015 | Møtebok for Vanse lærerforening (d) | 1865 - 1915 | First page |
L0016 | Møtebok for Vanse lærerlag (d) | 1916 - 1934 | First page |
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L0001 | Eksamensprotokoll | 1845 - 1852 | First page |