Your search returned 2744 results.
L0007 | Diverse - forskjellige kommuner i Øst-Finnmark | 1946 - 07.11.1994 | First page |
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L0001 | A - F | 1970 - 31.12.1970 | First page |
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L0002 | G - L | 1970 - 31.12.1970 | First page |
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L0003 | M - P | 1970 - 31.12.1970 | First page |
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L0004 | P - Å | 1970 - 31.12.1970 | First page |
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L0001 | Navnekort for kvinner og gamle navnekort | 1946 - 07.11.1994 | First page |
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L0002 | Navnekort for menn | 1946 - 07.11.1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Bakkevegen - Festningsvegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0002 | Fiskeværvegen - Fomavegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0003 | Gamle kirkegårdsvei - Helsevegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0004 | Hindberggata - J E Abrahamsens vei | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0005 | Klausjorda - Makkaurvegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0006 | Marivegen - Neptundalsvegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0007 | Nessevegen - Nordskogvegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0008 | Parkvegen - Schirmers veg | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0009 | Schirmers veg - Skolegata | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0010 | Skrovnesvegen - Stubbvegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0011 | Svend Foyns veg - Tinavegen | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0012 | Torvvegen - Øvrevegen, samt bosteder uten vei- eller gateadresse | 1994 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Utflyttede | 1946 - 31.12.1952 | First page |
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L0002 | Utflyttede | 1953 - 31.12.1957 | First page |
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L0003 | Utflyttede | 1958 - 31.12.1960 | First page |
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L0004 | Utflyttede | 1961 - 31.12.1962 | First page |
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L0005 | Utflyttede | 1963 - 31.12.1964 | First page |
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L0006 | Utflyttede | 1965 - 31.12.1966 | First page |
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L0007 | Utflyttede | 1967 - 31.12.1968 | First page |
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L0008 | Utflyttede | 1969 - 31.12.1972 | First page |
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L0009 | Utflyttede | 1973 - 31.12.1987 | First page |
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L0010 | Utflyttede | 1988 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0011 | Innflyttede og utflyttede | 1970 - 31.12.1970 | First page |
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L0012 | Døde | 1946 - 31.12.1963 | First page |
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L0013 | Døde | 1964 - 31.12.1981 | First page |
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L0014 | Døde | 1983 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0015 | Adopsjon, gamle kort, døde uten angitt dødsdato, utflyttede uten angitt flyttedato, innflyttede | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Kvinner: A - J | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0002 | Kvinner: K - Sto | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0003 | Kvinner: Str - Å | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0004 | Menn: A - J | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0005 | Menn: K - Sto | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0006 | Menn: Str - Å | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0007 | A - Å | 1946 - 05.12.1994 | First page |
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L0072 | Branntakstprotokoll | 1947 - 1954 | First page |
L0073 | Branntakstprotokoll | 1948 - 1955 | First page |
L0074 | Branntakstprotokoll | 1954 - 1956 | First page |
L0001 | Branntakstprotokoller | 1897 - 1916 | First page |
L0002 | Branntakstprotokoller | 1897 - 1933 | First page |
L0003 | Branntakstprotokoller | 1905 - 1911 | First page |
L0004 | Branntakstprotokoller | 1911 - 1915 | First page |
L0005 | Branntakstprotokoller | 1916 - 1922 | First page |
L0006 | Branntakstprotokoller | 1921 - 1924 | First page |