Your search returned 2744 results.
L0009 | Utflyttede | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0010 | Uflyttede og utvandrede | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0011 | Utflyttede: A - G | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0012 | Utflyttede: H - K | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0013 | Utflyttede: L - O | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0014 | Utflyttede: P - Å | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0001 | A - F | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0002 | G - J | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0003 | K - L | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0004 | M - O | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0005 | O - P | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0006 | R - Å | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Gamle navnekort og navnekort for døde og utflyttede | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0002 | Kvinner: A - O | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0003 | Kvinner: P - Å og menn: A - J | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0004 | Menn: K - Å | 1946 - 31.12.1994 | First page |
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L0001 | Bakeriveien - Idrettsveien | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | + Hovedregisterkort etter opphør | First page |
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L0002 | Johan Larsens vei - Raet | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0003 | Rambergveien - Tyttebærveienn | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0004 | Vevikveien - Værveien | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0005 | Øvreveien - Åsveien | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0006 | Bosteder uten vei- eller gateadresse | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0001 | Døde | 1952 - 31.12.1974 | First page |
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L0002 | Døde | 1975 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0003 | Utvandrede | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0001 | A - G | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0002 | H - J | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0003 | K - O | 1993 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0004 | P - Å | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0005 | A - E | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0006 | F - I | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0007 | J - M | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0008 | N - R | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0009 | S - Å | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0010 | A - G | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0011 | H - J | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0012 | K - N | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0013 | O - R | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0014 | S - Å | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0001 | Kvinner | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
The content may be restricted, but your permissions allow access.
L0002 | Menn | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0003 | Gamle navnekort | 1946 - 31.12.1993 | First page |
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L0001 | A - Bergstien | 1946 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0002 | Bergveien - Buen | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0003 | Busveien - Chr. Ankers vei | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0004 | Dr. Nedlers vei - Egne Hjems vei | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0005 | Einerholtet - Fearnleys gate | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0006 | Fjellveien - Fridtjof Nansens gate | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0007 | Gartnerjordet - Gammelveien | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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L0008 | Garnisonsbakken - Haganesveien | 1993 - 01.02.1993 | First page |
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