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Achive in Nordland

AIN/K-18510.510.04: Lødingen kommune. Ymse skolekretser

F: Spesialserier
Fd: Karakterprotokoll/Avgangsvitnesbyrd
L0004 Årsprøveprotokoll: Aspnes/Forsmark/Husjord/Kjerringsvik/Kvankjøsen/Langvåg/Lødingen/Skarstad/Svensgam/Toft/Voje/Øksnes/ Ytterstad 1924 - 1949 Aspnes, Forsmark, Husjord, Kjerringsvik, Kvankjøsen, Langvåg, Lødingen, Skarstad, Svensgam, Toft, Voje, Øksnes og Ytterstad skolekretser First page
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AIN/K-18510.610.01: Lødingen kommune. Fattigstyre/forsorgsstyre

A: Møtebøker
Aa: Forhandlingsprotokoller og møtebøker
L0001 Forhandlingsprotokoll 1863 - 1895 First page Content
R: Regnskap
Ra: Regnskapsbøker
L0001 Regnskapsbok 1865 - 1919 First page

AIN/K-18510.640: Lødingen kommune. Helserådet

420: Vaksinasjonsprotokoller
L0003 Vaksinasjonsprotokoll 22.10.1878 - 04.11.1908 First page Content
422: Protokoller over spedalske
L0001 Protokoll over spedalske for Lødingen, Hol og Tjeldsund 1874 - 1913 First page Content

AIN/K-18520.610: Tjeldsund kommune. Fattigstyret

100: Møtebøker, referatprotokoller, forhandlingsprotokoller o.l.
L0001 Møtebok Tjeldsund fattigstyre 1912 - 1932 First page
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L0002 Møtebok Tjeldsund fattigstyre 1933 - 1975 First page
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AIN/K-18530.610: Evenes kommune. Fattigstyret

100: Møtebøker, referatprotokoller, forhandlingsprotokoller o.l.
L0001 Protokoll 1894 - 1925 First page
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AIN/K-18540.150: Ballangen kommune. Formannskapet

A: Møtebøker
Aa: Møtebøker, formannskap
L0001 Møtebok 1935 - 1940 First page
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L0002 Møtebok 1940 - 1948 First page
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L0002b Møtebok, formennen 1941 - 1944 First page
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L0003 Møtebok 1948 - 1951 First page
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L0004 Møtebok 1951 - 1956 First page
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L0005 Møtebok 1957 - 1960 First page
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L0006 Møtebok 1960 - 1962 First page
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L0007 Møtebok 1962 - 1964 First page
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A: Møtebøker
Ab: Møtebøker, kommunestyre
L0001 Møtebok 1925 - 1931 First page
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L0002 Møtebok 1935 - 1938 First page
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L0003 Møtebok 1938 - 1939 First page
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L0004 Møtebok 1939 - 1948 First page
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L0005 Møtebok 1948 - 1955 First page
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L0006 Møtebok 1955 - 1960 First page
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L0007 Møtebok 1960 - 1964 First page
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AIN/K-18540.510.01: Ballangen kommune. Arnes skolekrets

442: Karakterprotokoller/oversiktsprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll 1920 - 1933 First page
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L0002 Skoleprotokoll 1933 - 1957 First page
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L0003 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1960 First page
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L0004 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1962 First page
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L0005 Skoleprotokoll 1960 - 1965 First page
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443: Dagbøker
L0001 Dagbok 1920 - 1944 First page
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L0002 Dagbok 1944 - 1958 First page
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AIN/K-18540.510.02: Ballangen kommune. Bakken skolekrets

442: Karakterprotokoller/oversiktsprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll 1930 - 1953 First page
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L0002 Skoleprotokoll 1954 - 1956 First page
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443: Dagbøker
L0001 Dagbok 1947 - 1954 First page
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L0002 Dagbok 1955 - 1968 First page
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AIN/K-18540.510.03: Ballangen kommune. Ballangen skolekrets

441: Elevlister
L0001 Innskrivningsprotokoll 1930 - 1966 First page
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442: Karakterprotokoller/oversiktsprotokoller
L0001 Skoleprotokoll 1907 - 1924 First page
L0002 Skoleprotokoll 1920 - 1930 First page
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L0003 Skoleprotokoll 1921 - 1931 First page
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L0004 Skoleprotokoll 1930 - 1950 First page
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L0005 Skoleprotokoll 1930 - 1953 First page
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L0006 Skoleprotokoll 1944 - 1959 First page
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L0007 Skoleprotokoll 1951 - 1965 First page
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L0008 Skoleprotokoll 1953 - 1956 First page
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L0009 Skoleprotokoll 1953 - 1961 First page
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L0010 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1959 First page
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L0011 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1962 First page
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L0012 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1962 First page
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L0013 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1962 First page
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L0014 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1964 First page
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L0015 Skoleprotokoll 1957 - 1964 First page
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