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Achive in Nordland

AIN/K-18540.510: Ballangen kommune. Skolestyret

220: Brevjournaler
L0003 Brevjournal 1947 - 1950 First page
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L0004 Brevjournal 1950 - 1953 First page
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L0005 Brevjournal 1953 - 1956 First page
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3212: Kontobøker for drift og kapital
L0001 Kontobok for skolekretsene og lærere 1925 - 1935 First page
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323: Anvisningsbøker
L0001 Anvisningsprotokoll 1925 - 1931 First page
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L0002 Anvisningsprotokoll 1931 - 1935 First page
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L0003 Anvisningsprotokoll 1934 - 1937 First page
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L0004 Anvisningsprotokoll 1935 - 1944 First page
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L0005 Anvisningsprotokoll 1936 - 1940 First page
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L0006 Anvisningsprotokoll 1939 - 1944 First page
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AIN/K-18540.522: Ballangen kommune. Realskolen

442: Karakterprotokoller/oversiktsprotokoller
L0001 Karakterprotokoll 1940 - 1944 First page
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L0002 Karakterprotokoll 1941 - 1946 First page
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L0003 Eksamensprotokoll muntlige prøver 1942 - 1947 First page
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L0004 Klasseprotokoller 1944 - 1949 First page
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L0005 Eksamensprotokoll muntlige prøver 1948 - 1968 First page
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L0006 Klasseprotokoller 1949 - 1952 First page
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L0007 Standpunktkarakterprotokoll 1950 - 1967 First page
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L0008 Standpunktkarakterprotokoll 1950 - 1968 First page
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L0009 Klasseprotokoll 1952 - 1954 First page
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L0010 Klasseprotokoll 1952 - 1954 First page
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L0011 Klasseprotokoll 1952 - 1954 First page
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L0012 Karakterprotokoll 1954 - 1958 First page
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L0013 Karakterprotokoll 1954 - 1958 First page
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L0014 Klasseprotokoll 1958 - 1959 First page
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L0015 Klasseprotokoll 1958 - 1959 First page
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L0016 Klasseprotokoll 1958 - 1959 First page
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L0017 Klasseprotokoll 1959 - 1960 First page
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L0018 Klasseprotokoll 1959 - 1960 First page
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L0019 Klasseprotokoll 1959 - 1960 First page
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L0020 Klasseprotokoll 1960 - 1961 First page
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L0021 Klasseprotokoll 1960 - 1961 First page
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L0022 Klasseprotokoll 1960 - 1961 First page
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L0023 Klasseprotokoll 1961 - 1962 First page
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L0024 Klasseprotokoll 1961 - 1962 First page
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L0025 Klasseprotokoll 1961 - 1962 First page
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L0026 Klasseprotokoll 1962 - 1963 First page
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L0027 Klasseprotokoll 1962 - 1963 First page
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L0028 Klasseprotokoll 1962 - 1963 First page
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L0029 Klasseprotokoll 1962 - 1963 First page
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L0030 Klasseprotokoll 1963 - 1964 First page
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L0032 Klasseprotokoll 1963 - 1964 First page
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L0033 Klasseprotokoll 1963 - 1964 First page
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L0034 Klasseprotokoll 1964 - 1965 First page
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L0035 Eksamensprotokoll 1941 - 1967 First page
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L0036 Eksamensprotokoll 1942 - 1968 First page
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443: Dagbøker
L0001 Dagbok 1956 - 1957 First page
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L0002 Dagbok 1958 - 1959 First page
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L0003 Dagbok 1958 - 1959 First page
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L0004 Dagbok 1959 - 1960 First page
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L0005 Dagbok 1959 - 1960 First page
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