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Håndskrevet register upaginert
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Source information
Statsarkivet i Kristiansand AV/SAK-1541-0008/F/Fa/Faa/L0009
Link to Arkivportalen
SAK-1541-0008: Setesdal jordskifterett
F: Jordskifte
Fa: Jordskifteprotokoller
Faa: Jordskifteprotokoller
L0009: Jordskifteprotokoll med gårdsregister, Sand domssokn nr 23
Register of land consolidation no. 9 / 23 /1962 - 1966 Aust-Agder county
Sand jud. dist.
Med gårdsregister County Court Court Proceedings Court reports Property Land consolidation State archives Judges and clerks