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Statsarkivet i Bergen

AV/SAB-A-60201: Gulating lagmannsrett

I: Saker
Ia: Straffesaker
Criminal proceedings no. 64 Hordaland lagsogn, Sogn og Fjordane lagsogn 1915 - 1919 Hordaland og Sogn og Fjordane lagsokn. Inneholder sak 1/1915 - 13/1919, men kun sak 5/1915 er skannet. First page Content
I: Saker
Ib: Ankesaker
Appeals no. 485 1970 Inneholder sak 185/1970 - 196/1970, men kun sak 192/1970 er skannet. First page
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AV/SAB-A-6201: Sogn og Fjordane jordskiftedøme - III Sunnfjord jordskiftedistrikt

B: Jordskiftedokument
Ba: Jordskiftedokument - eldre
Land consolidation documents no. 1 1881 - 1885 Askvoll gnr. 1-78 og Bremanger gnr. 1-16. Det er kun sak utskiftning for Askvoll gnr. 54 Vilnes som er skannet. First page Content
B: Jordskiftedokument
Bb: Jordskiftedokument - Askvoll
Land consolidation documents no. 2 1939 - 1952 Askvoll gnr. 7-11. Kun sak 6/1939 vedr. gnr. 10 Yndestad og sak 11/1940 vedr. gnr. 10 Yndestad m.fl. er skanna. First page Content

AV/SAB-A-6401: Sogn og Fjordane jordskiftedøme - V Ytre Sogn jordskiftedistrikt

B: Jordskiftedokument
Bc: Gulen
Land consolidation documents no. 4 1943 - 1948 Gulen gnr. 94-116. Kun gnr. 95 Børtnes er skanna. First page Content

AV/SAB-A-6801: Hordaland jordskiftedøme - I Nordhordland jordskiftedistrikt

A: Forhandlings- og berekningsprotokollar
Aa: Forhandlingsprotokoll
Register of land consolidation no. 1 1859 - 1862 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 2 1862 - 1864 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 3 1864 - 1867 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 4 1867 - 1872 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 5 1870 - 1876 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 6 1876 - 1878 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 7 1878 - 1880 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 8 1881 - 1883 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 9 1883 - 1885 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 10 1885 - 1888 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 12 1888 - 1889 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 13 1889 - 1893 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 14 1893 - 1897 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 15 1897 - 1901 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 16 1901 - 1905 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 17 1904 - 1908 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 18 1908 - 1911 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 19 1911 - 1915 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 20 1913 - 1919 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 21 1917 - 1919 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 22 1919 - 1922 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 23 1922 - 1925 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 28 1924 - 1926 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 38 1930 - 1931 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 39 1931 - 1932 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 40 1932 - 1934 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 41 1935 - 1936 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 42 1926 - 1937 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 43 1936 - 1938 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 44 1938 - 1940 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 45 1940 - 1942 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 46 1941 - 1945 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 50 1938 - 1959 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 51 1944 - 1950 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 52 1947 - 1955 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 53 1954 - 1959 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 54 1959 - 1961 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 55 1961 - 1963 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 56 1963 - 1966 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 57 1965 - 1969 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 58 1967 - 1970 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 59 1970 - 1973 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 60 1971 - 1976 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 61 1973 - 1977 First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 62 1975 - 1980 First page Register Content