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Table of contents

1861 2
1862 10
1863 16
1864 21
1865 25
1866 32
1867 38
1868 42
1869 45
1870 50
1871 56
1872 60
1873 64
1874 69
1875 72
1876 76
1877 80
1878 83
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-100926/A/L0002
Link to Arkivportalen
K-100926: Ogna kommune - Fattigkommisjon/Fattigstyret/Forsorgstyret
A: Møtebøker
L0002: Møtebok
Miscellaneous poverty matters 1861 - 1878 - - Municiple archives Poorhouse