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AV/RA-S-3138-01: Landssvikarkivet, Oslo politikammer

F: Diverse
Fb: Diverse materiale ordnet og registrert i 2009
Fbd: Abwehr i Norge
L0003 Eske 3: Abwehr i Norge - saksmappe 1- 125 1945 Get access Content
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L0004 Abwehr i Norge - saksmappe 126-250 1945 Get access Content
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L0005 Abwehr i Norge - saksmappe 251-313 1945 Get access Content
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F: Diverse
Fe: Materiale om Silberfuchs og Zerstörgruppen - avlevert 2017 fra Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST)
L0001 Materiale om Silberfuchs og Zerstörgruppen 1945 - 1947 Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-02: Landssvikarkivet, Halden politikammer

C: Registre
Ca: Navnekartotek
L0001 1945 - 1948 Navnekartotek First page Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-03: Landssvikarkivet, Fredrikstad politikammer

C: Kartoteker
Ca: Navnekartotek
L0001 1945 - 1948 Navnekartotek First page Content
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C: Kartoteker
Cb: NS medlemsregister
L0001 1945 - 1948 NS medlemsregister First page Content
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C: Kartoteker
Cc: NS fangeregister
L0001 1945 - 1948 NS fangeregister First page Content
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C: Kartoteker
Cd: Register over NS-medlemmer og tyskerjenter
L0001 1945 - 1948 Register over NS-medlemmer og tyskerjenter First page Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Saker
L0078/0001 Lnr. 838: Lnr. 838 1945 - 1948 Lnr. 838 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-04: Landssvikarkivet, Sarpsborg politikammer, inkl. Mysen

C: Kartotek
Ca: Anmeldelseskartotek
L0001 1945 - 1948 Alfabetisk anmeldelseskartotek for Sarpsborg First page Content
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L0002 1945 - 1948 Alfabetisk anmeldelseskartotek for Mysen First page Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Sarpsborg
L0053 1945 - 1955 Anr. 2126/45 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-05: Landssvikarkivet, Moss politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Dommer og forelegg
L0041/0001 --: Ark. 435B 1945 - 1949 Ark. 435B ***** Get access Content
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L0056 Ark. 488 1945 - 1948 Ark. 488 Hans Solgaard Jacobsen Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-07: Landssvikarkivet, Romerike politikammer

C: Journaler og registre
Ca: Kartotek over landssviksaker
L0001 1945 - 1948 Kartotek over landssviksaker: A - Å First page Content
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Da: Politiske saker
L0008/0005 1945 - 1951 Pnr. 34/45 ***** Get access
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L0178/0020 1945 - 1947 Pnr. 1211/46 ***** Get access
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AV/RA-S-3138-08: Landssvikarkivet, Kongsvinger politikammer

Da: Saker
L0055/0797 Saker: Anr. 555/45 1945 - 1946 Anr. 555/45 Rolf Jacobsen First page Content
L0061/0003 Saker: Anr. 341/46 1945 - 1948 Anr. 341/46 ***** Get access Content
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L0099/1453 Saker: Anr. 931/45 1945 - 1952 Nr. 931/1945 ***** Get access Content
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AV/RA-S-3138-09: Landssvikarkivet, Hamar politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Avsonede
L0022/0001 1945 - 1948 118 ***** Apply for access
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L0022/0002 1945 - 1948 119 Lauritz Larsen, f. 17.9.1891 Apply for access
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L0022/0003 1945 - 1948 120 Karen Skonnord, f. 14.12.1901 Get access
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L0022/0004 - L0023/0001 1945 - 1948 120 Ragnar Magnussen Slagsvold, f. 17.4.1893 Apply for access Content
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L0023/0002 1945 - 1948 121 ***** Apply for access
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L0023/0003 1945 - 1950 123 ***** Get access
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L0024 1945 - 1950 123 ***** Get access Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Db: Prøveløslatte
L0012/0005 1945 - 1947 Prø 67 ***** Get access Content
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L0019/0001 1945 - 1946 Prø 100 ***** Get access Content
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L0021/0006 1945 - 1947 Prø 114 ***** Get access Content
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D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Dd: Forelegg
L0002/0011 1945 - 1946 Fnr. 48 Knut Busterud, f. 7.3.1890 Get access Content
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L0005/0021 1945 - 1946 Fnr. 171 ***** Get access Content
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L0013/0032 1945 - 1946 Fnr. 408 Erik Øverbø, f. 25.9.1871 First page Content

AV/RA-S-3138-10: Landssvikarkivet, Østerdal politikammer

D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
Da: Dommer
L0001/0001 Dom 1 - 15: Dnr. 1 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 1 *****, dnr. 2 ***** og dnr. 3 ***** Get access Content
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L0001/0004 Dom 1 - 15: Dnr. 4 1945 - 1953 Dnr. 4 Ivar Skjelle, f. 5.4.1898 Apply for access
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L0001/0005 Dom 1 - 15: Dnr. 5 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 5 ***** Apply for access
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L0001/0006 Dom 1 - 15: Dnr. 6 1945 Dnr. 6 *****, dnr. 7 *****, dnr. 8 Marius Brenden, f. 18.7.1899, dnr. 9 Halvard Gunderrud, f. 30.1.1886, og dnr. 10 ***** Get access Content
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L0001/0011 Dom 1 - 15: Dnr. 11 1945 - 1950 Dnr. 11 *****, Dnr. 12 ***** Get access Content
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L0001/0013 Dom 1 - 15: Dnr. 13 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 13 *****, Dnr. 14 ***** og Dnr. 15 Pernille Tøraasen, f. 5.12.1897 Apply for access Content
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L0002/0001 Dommer: Dnr. 16 1945 - 1950 Dnr. 16 *****, Dnr. 17 *****, Dnr. 18 *****, Dnr 19 *****, Dnr. 20 ***** og Dnr 21 ***** Get access Content
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L0003/0001 Dommer: Dnr. 22 1945 - 1953 Dnr. 22 Jenny Skjærstad, f. 30.12.1901, Dnr. 23. Olaf Støa, f. 12.10.1896, Dnr. 24 *****, Dnr. 25 ***** og Dnr. ***** Get access Content
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L0003/0006 Dommer: Dnr. 27 1945 - 1950 Fellesmappe for Dnr. 27 *****, Dnr. 28 *****, Dnr 29 *****, Dnr 30 ***** og Dnr. 31 ***** Get access Content
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L0003/0011 Dommer: Dnr. 32 1945 - 1948 Dnr. 32 ***** Get access
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L0003/0012 Dommer: Dnr. 33 1945 - 1952 Dnr. 33 ***** Get access
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L0003/0013 Dommer: Dnr. 34 1945 - 1950 Dnr. 34 Johannes G. Johnsen, f. 8.1.1899 Apply for access
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L0003/0014 Dommer: Dnr. 35 1945 - 1950 Fellesmappe for Dnr. 35 Arne Modahl, f. 9.9.1895, Dnr. 36 Arne Arnesen, f. 28.4.1893, Dnr. 37 Olaf Finstad, f. 21.1.1896 Get access Content
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L0003/0017 Dommer: Dnr. 38 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 38 ***** Apply for access
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L0004/0001 Dommer: Dnr. 39 1945 - 1950 Fellesmappe for Dnr. 39 Terje Westgaard, f. 27.8.1899, Dnr. 40*****, Dnr. 41***** og Dnr. 42***** Get access Content
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L0004/0005 Dommer: Dnr. 43 1945 - 1946 Dnr. 43 Alf Ødegård, f. 10.11.1901 Apply for access
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